Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : Micro Dynamics Vertical Machining Center Line opens a new era in multi-purpose and versatile machining centers. Compact, durable, powerful, strong and accurate, the MEGA/TERA Series starts a revolution in the market: the smallest C-frame machines provide powerful and precise results for manufacturers of dies and molds, aerospace, automotive, semi-conductor, job shops and general machine sectors. The MEGA/TERA Series has been designed with the latest in technology being utilized throughout the machine with productivity in mind. From its EtherNet/IP architecture for easy automation and integration into systems and cells, to its Motion Control for fast and smooth operations used in all industries, the MEGA/TERA Series has quickly become one of the industries leading machine tool lines of Vertical Machining Centers. The MEGA/TERA Series has been refined through years of research and development of new technologies that greatly enhance the machines for the rigors of the Mold and Die industry. All series are equipped with ■ 15,000 rpm Built-In Spindle ■ Thermal Compensation (DYPEC) ■ Micro Dynamics HMI
Product Description : NV series provide more Y-axis and more working area to meet various demands. Heavy-duty roller type linear guideways on 3 axes which provide integration of heavy cutting ability from box way and fast movement ability from linear guide way. Z-axis servo motor with brake replaces counter-balance to provide optimal surface accuracy on 3D machining. Pretensioned class C3 precision ballscrews on 3 axes help to eliminate blacklash. Bearings with dust-protection device are assembled by 3 sets both in the front and rear. One-piece column which designed with shoulder to support tool magazine to decrease vibration and increase the machine stability while tool changes. Optional max. 4/5-axis table diameter allows more working area and less interference between cutting tools and workpieces.
Product Description : NFX400A is designed especially for small, complex high-quality parts mainly for aerospace, automotive, medical, job shop and die & mold applications ■ Extra wide column and base design to ensure best support and cutting rigidity. ■ Increased tool life by cutting with belly and edge of the tool ■ Reduce fixture error and improve workpiece loading and uploading time ■ Greatly reduced non-cutting or setup waiting time ■ Saves manufacturing cost with reduced fixture and electrode costs.
Product Description : 1.立車主軸轉盤以進口交叉滾子軸承設計,確保重負荷的能力及長期的精度壽命。 2. Z軸226 mm方型滑枕搪孔軸採硬軌配Turcite B結構,VTC1612-CW標準行程900mm。 3.底座、立柱、橫樑、工作台等大型鑄件依製造需要,經由最新的3D設計,剛性最佳化,並以 多年經驗訂定有效的退火程序以消除殘餘應力,多年實際應用經驗,確實能達成有效的長期精 度保持性。 4.X、Z軸標準配備採用「雙編碼器」的「雙」半閉環回饋系統,經濟有效的提高各軸的定位精度。 (X、Z軸可選購德國Heidenhain或西班牙FAGOR光學尺)。 5.VTC-CW標準刀庫容量為16P(16儲位),車刀型式及分配數目可依客戶要求處理。 6.主軸箱等關鍵零件係利用自有的「大型臥式鏜孔機」及「大型高精度三次元量測儀(三座標量床)」 確實達成應有的加工精度,確保優良的組裝基礎。 7.承襲歐美先進工具機廠的標準,以嚴格維護的「1.2米x1.2米」高精密度的方形標準平板做為精密 精度的基礎,對各項關鍵零件進行精密鏟花(刮研),使機器的各處結合面和滑動面均能達到正確的 幾何精度,確保機器應有的精度和壽命。 8.搭配高規格的Fanuc數控系統,標準功能包含:15吋彩色液晶螢幕、Fanuc全鍵式操作面板、 2MB記憶容量、Ethernet網路接口、Flash記憶卡插口、剛性攻牙及各種特殊補間(插補)等多項 高規格功能,能經濟有效的滿足各種使用需求。 9.採用的各項配套零組件均經過長期使用驗證,可確保機器長期運行的可靠性。 10.完整的品檢測試流程,搭配先進的自動光學直準儀、雷射干涉儀、球桿檢測儀、線上動平衡儀等 精密檢測儀器,確保出廠的機器都能達到設計的性能和應有的功能。 11.經驗豐富的研發團隊,突破老舊的包袱,協助客戶達成各種特殊需求。 12.兼具經驗和熱誠的服務團隊和完整的服務體系,可以及時有效的讓用戶的機器長保最佳使用狀態。
Product Description : Micro Dynamics Vertical Machining Center Line opens a new era in multi-purpose and versatile machining centers. Compact, durable, powerful, strong and accurate, the MEGA/TERA Series starts a revolution in the market: the smallest C-frame machines provide powerful and precise results for manufacturers of dies and molds, aerospace, automotive, semi-conductor, job shops and general machine sectors. The MEGA/TERA Series has been designed with the latest in technology being utilized throughout the machine with productivity in mind. From its EtherNet/IP architecture for easy automation and integration into systems and cells, to its Motion Control for fast and smooth operations used in all industries, the MEGA/TERA Series has quickly become one of the industries leading machine tool lines of Vertical Machining Centers. The MEGA/TERA Series has been refined through years of research and development of new technologies that greatly enhance the machines for the rigors of the Mold and Die industry. All series are equipped with ■ 15,000 rpm Built-In Spindle ■ Thermal Compensation (DYPEC) ■ Micro Dynamics HMI
Product Description : Just like the real CNC machine, equipped with exactly same overall appearance, actual handwheel and real machine operation panel as numerical control machine. Solving the difficulties of real machine: precise, complicated and very expensive. With CNC Simulator, everyone can learn CNC machine operation and accumulate hands-on operation skills. CNC training machine is equipped with exactly same overall appearance, actual handwheel and real machine operation panel as numerical control machine. Its purpose is to train students for accumulating CNC machine operation skills (program transmission, programming, tool selection, tool compensation and alarm clear ) Overall design is more attractive, and it emphasizes on interaction to make students less mistakes happened. Not only decreasing learning cost but also letting students work and learn in the safe environment.
Product Description : RenAn's operation simulation workstation is a physical simulation with 3D graphic, showing the cutting and machining process. [Save consumable cost]: There is no need to worry about the expenditure of consumables, and it will not be affected by pollutants such as waste materials and oil and gas. [Safety]: Advanced 3D simulation and CNC virtual machine make high risk CNC operation without any danger. [Smart learning]: Like training the pilot using flight simulators, we use CNC simulator to train the students or operators to be the machinist. Its industrial panel remains the same functionality as real machine that students can practice constantly to accumulate hands-on operation skills. The controller series of simulator: Fanuc, Siemens, Heidenhain and Mitsubishi. Turning, Milling, TurnMill, 4 axis, 5 axis.
Product Description : 1.高剛性高穩定性結構 A. 底座:機器底座採用整體式鑄件,有效確保機器剛性。Z底座採4線軌設計,全行程範圍內直接落地支持,有絕佳的剛性及穩定性,確保整體長期幾何精度。 B. 滑座:滑座採用整體式鑄件,支撐於Z底座上,4線軌設計增加滑座負載剛性。 C. 立柱:立柱採用整體式鑄件,有效確保機器剛性;且固定不移動,大大減少主軸移動行程中所帶來的幾何精度誤差影響。 2. XYZ三軸及W軸導軌均採用先進的超重負荷型「滾柱」線性導軌,大幅度提高導軌「剛性」和「重切削能力」,也繼續保有「低摩擦力、低磨耗、低遲滯現象、低失位量、高速度、高精度、高動態特性、高壽命、不需調整」等線性導軌的優良特性。 3.XYZW四軸的均有過負載保護,如因誤操作造成撞機,可有效降低對機器的損傷。 4.雙編碼器回饋裝置(配置於XYZ三個進給軸),B軸採用(圓光栅-角度編碼器) 廠牌:發格Fagor。 5.主軸箱等關鍵零件係利用「大型臥式搪孔機」及「大型高精度三次元量測儀(三座標量床)」確實達成應有的加工精度,確保優良的組裝基礎。 6.鞍頭:110主軸系統配備搪孔軸直徑110mm,搪孔軸行程W=500mm、3500 rpm(兩檔齒輪箱)。搪孔軸為氮化處理高硬度合金鋼件,前段支持使用傳統的硬化襯套外,後段附加線性導軌的加強支持,借助滾動低磨耗的特性,增長搪孔軸的精度壽命。 7.主軸前軸承採用直徑150mm的高精度主軸軸承,加上改良設計的軸承配置及潤滑設計,有效的提高主軸剛性和壽命。 8.主軸鬆刀採浮動式抓鬆刀裝置,鬆刀時不會施力於主軸軸承上,可長保主軸最佳精度;另,新式鬆刀缸配置設計,可使主軸於任一行程(W軸)位置換刀。 9.特殊設計的自動潤滑系統;潤滑油與切削液分開, 單獨收集可確保切削液的穩定性及工作環境的清潔。 10.刀庫採立柱側背式設計;刀庫與立柱接合,不同於落地型式,立柱固定不移動,刀庫與鞍頭配置可達成左右平衡架構,提高W軸動態穩定特性。 11.承襲歐美先進工具機廠的標準,以嚴格維護的「1.2米x1.2米」高精密度的方形標準平板做為精密度的基礎,對各項關鍵零件進行精密鏟花(刮研),使機器的各處結合面和滑動面均能達到正確的幾何精度,確保機器應有的精度和壽命。 12.採用的各項配套零組件均經過長期使用驗證,可確保機器長期運行的可靠性。 13.電氣箱採全密閉式循環熱交換系統,內部配線均參考德國工業安全標準,電源部份與訊號線區隔,以增加機器使用上的安全。 14.搭配高規格的Fanuc 0i MF Plus數控系統,標準功能包含:15吋彩色液晶螢幕、Fanuc全鍵式操作面板、1280米記憶容量、Ethernet網路接口、Flash記憶卡插口、Manual Guide i圖形對話式編程、剛性攻牙、手動剛性攻牙、AI contour control II等多項高規格功能,能經濟有效的滿足各種使用需求。 15.完整的品檢測試流程,搭配先進的自動光學直準儀、雷射干涉儀、球桿檢測儀、線上動平衡儀等精密檢測儀器,確保出廠的機器都能達到設計的性能和應有的功能。 16.經驗豐富的研發團隊,突破老舊的包袱,協助客戶達成各種特殊需求。 17.兼具經驗和熱誠的服務團隊和完整的服務體系,可以及時有效的讓用戶的機器長保最佳使用狀態。
Product Description : The five-axis machining centers is suitable for high-efficiency, high-precision complex curved surface processing. The characteristics of precise processing of complex workpieces and diversified manufacturing needs can be completed by fixing them in one setup. The MV-500 shortens production working hours, improved the processing accuracy of complex parts to meet diversified needs, greatly saves on mold costs, and improves production efficiency and market competition.
Product Description : 1. The structure design highlights the stability during high-speed processing. 2. The base design provides multi-angle processing and improves support strength. 3. The tool length measurement device is designed inside the ATC door to avoid contamination. 4. Equipped with high-precision DD motor rotary table. 5. Sheet-metal integration reduces assembly time. 6. Internal bevel design to avoid chip residue. 7. Multi-window device improves operation convenience. 8. Could be equipped with automation/remote monitoring to improve production efficiency. 9. Ergonomically designed to reduce operator fatigue and improve safety. 10. Small footprint improves equipment utilization. 11. High Speed, stability, and precision provide a competitive edge in precision mold and die machining.
Product Description : The MV1 series machines have a legendary history of high quality and proven performance, the New MV184 series has an even greater degree of reliability and performance. The design concepts of the new MV184 series combine advanced technology, performance and value for various machining applications. Quaser produces this machine layout with the state-of-the-art digital design. Taking into consideration easy repair to reduce downtime. The MV184 series is the choice to increase part production.
HAWE Hydraulik Singapore Pte. Ltd. Taiwan Branch
Product Description : Directional seated valves are a type of directional valve. As cone valves they are tightly sealed, with zero leakage in the closed state. The directional seated valve type ROLV is available as a 3/2, 4/2 or 4/3-way directional seated valve with different plug types. The patented assembly consists of two parts: a round basic valve with the valve inserts, and an adapter plate which can be designed for manifold mounting with nominal size NG 6 as the standard connection pattern, or for direct pipe connection. Additional elements such as a check valve, a restrictor (on the consumer side) and/ or restrictor check valves can be integrated, depending on the functional requirement and adapter plate. The type ROLV can be combined in the valve bank type BA with other types of valves. Features and benefits ■ Dirt-resistant design with high switching reliability ■ Interchangeable solenoid for greater flexibility and easy servicing Intended applications ■ Machine tools (cutting and non-cutting) ■ Clamping tools, punching tools, fixtures ■ Testing machinery ■ Wind turbines
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