Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
FanRuan Software
Product Description : Jodoo is an all-in-one no-code application development platform. Jodoo is oriented toward salespeople, managers, and part of IT developers. It can help them develop business-friendly management applications with no code, such as PSI, production management, performance management, and so on.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 展覽名稱; 2024 TSMLA台灣鈑金.雷射應用展。 展覽日期:113年9月5日(四)-9月9 (一),計五天。 展覽地點:臺中國際展覽館 台中市烏日區中山路三段 1 號。 藉機械鈑金國際展貿活動,能讓同業砥礪吸引國外客戶, 以台灣雷射鈑金發展協會主辦推廣,引領未來的商機,更連結產業人士探討鈑金的新契機。 台灣機械鈑金業有近三千家的工廠,服務於各行各業, 同行齊聚,同台效應,可以交流技術擴展生意打開國際市場。 亞洲少見~台灣唯一專業的國際雷射鈑金應用之主題展, 敬邀請國內外知名專業人士參與,為台灣雷射鈑金相關產業帶來最佳的投資效益與採購商機, 並促成文化、美食、觀光、供應鏈的循環商機。
FanRuan Software
Product Description : FineBI is a self-service business intelligence tool that enables users to intuitively discover, analyze, and alert hidden issues within data through data analysis dashboards. It allows for timely response to business risks and identification of areas for growth. With FineBI, everyone can leverage data analysis to enhance business operations. FineBI assists enterprises in swiftly establishing a data analysis and business intelligence platform accessible to all members, enabling a comprehensive understanding and utilization of their data. This support aids in decision-making and enhances overall business performance.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : The customer is very interested in the product and wants to further cooperate with the company, but is unable to produce a quotation on the first line. Even if a quotation is produced, it still takes a lot of time and cost to communicate with the customer and notify the manufacturer of the manufacturing plan, which ultimately results in Limited profits to be made? i+Simple assists enterprises to establish close relationships with customers. It combines accurate valuation mechanisms with CRM+SCM to quickly generate quotations based on various costs, record customer needs, and after receiving customer orders, it is connected to SCM for production operations. Assist customers in a systematic manner to deliver orders on schedule. Meet various flexible business strategies, reduce the company's operating process time, obtain more orders, master internal and outsourced production line information, and improve company satisfaction.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : iMES's real-time Internet of Things and monitoring reports gradually achieve smart manufacturing remote monitoring, providing each manufacturing customer with six major capabilities, including real-time collection of production data, working hours management, exception notification, intelligent management of production lines, optimization of production schedules, etc. Intelligent production applications realize automated and efficient interconnected factories. 1. Arrange optimal production schedule. 2. Generate ERP work orders. 3. Automatically manage machine recipe parameters. 4. Two-way real-time control of the machine device. 5. Manage the triggering rules for subsequent tasks on the machine. 6. Automation machine completion report information.
Product Description : 專業B2B網站設計,致力於為您打造獨一無二的企業形象。我們精通最新的設計趨勢與技術,提供創新、直覺且具有優化效能的網站解決方案。無論您是中小型企業或大型企業,我們都能提供個性化的設計和完美的用戶體驗,幫助您在網絡世界中脫穎而出。請讓我們協助您共同實現您的業務目標。
Product Description : A professional video not only aims to bring a visual impact, but also can shape the audience's image for the company and the product, thereby generating more benefits. GTMC has always introduced the most advanced shooting equipment and with the most professional and dedicated service team to assist Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of multimedia videos. From planning, copywriting and scripting, executive production, photography, lighting, post-production editing, 3D animation design to 2D special effects design, etc., we have recruited various professionals across fields to assist companies for different video shooting needs and styles. Creating the most insightful company image video and product introduction video combining with GTMC online marketing experiences carries out the most efficient promotions for customers. The use of 4K high-quality video recording system combined with 3D computer animation can clearly and completely present the most complete information of companies, products, and services, crossing the distances and limitations of time and space, allowing global buyers to immerse themselves and deepen their impressions.
Product Description : Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search engine optimization (SEO) PPC Ads Banner Ads Link Marketing Email Direct Marketing (EDM) Viral Marketing Blogging/ Social Media Marketing
Product Description : 德國 Hoffmann 加工冷卻過濾設備, 配備在 Reishauer. Liebherr. Klingelnberg. Kapp Niles. Gleason Pfauter... 等,富達興企業代理之德國Hoffmann 冷卻過濾機台提供設備的維護、維修、備品(過濾帶.膠條.濾紙.清潔毛刷)。
Product Description : 透過物聯網串聯工廠內獨立機台,將設備數據數位化,以電子看板、Line或網站方式實現可視化和透明化,進一步預測趨勢並主動控制,實現高效管理。 瞭解更多:
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 一年兩期的雜誌約莫印製1100-1300本之間 贊助會員固定有一頁的上刊頁面 雜誌除了寄發協會會員 也會提供贊助會員本數 可以發送潛在友好客戶 歡迎業界善加運用增加曝光效益。
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