Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : 心得科技整合機械手臂、客製化料台、量測站與量測軟體,打造自動化機台,解決人力工時、工件品質保障、加工產能等製程問題,大幅提升加工機附加價值和競爭力。 量測站提高工件品質,並有效控制良率,不受外部環境與人員失誤影響,是自動化產線不可或缺的環節。
Product Description : "VM25" is a high-performance application of a fully modular system designed for grinding machines, including automatic balancing on the 1 and 2 sides of the grinding wheel spindle, the use of audio detection to control the contact of the grinding wheel to the workpiece or sand, online Measurement and off-line measurement (absolute or relative) and other functions. "B-Safe" can provide vibration and temperature information of the main shaft to detect and monitor the status analysis of the main shaft and machine. It is a new thinking product for intelligent monitoring. Its miniaturized volume design helps to install directly on the main shaft, ensuring that it can provide immediate monitoring of abnormal operating conditions, further predicting the timing of maintenance and failures, protecting your machine and reducing downtime.
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