Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Vital NetZero, a system for ISO 50001 Energy Inventory, ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory, and ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint, helps corporations with daily carbon inventory, net zero emission data, and document management work.
Product Description : Realistic CNC Controller Function Panel, Modularized Machine Operation Panel, and Machine Simulation. Excellent tool for CNC controller recognition and practicing tool offset.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : 多國語言四海矯龍CEO智慧行動商務系統(含外勤及主管) 1. 是可以善用手機聲音速記變成文字寫入CRM。用嘴巴說話可寫工作計畫。寫工作計畫及工作報告。寫出即時通溝通內容。 2. 外勤搜尋客戶的時候,連結雲端ERP客戶主檔位址用Google或百度地圖導航拜訪客戶及直接撥客戶主檔電話聯繫他到訪時間。 3 .外勤顧問到派工單指示地奌打卡簽到拍場景。會把當地経度緯度上傳雲端ERP_CRM 精確掌握外勤行動地址及回報工作內容。 4. 外勤行動在外可用手機查庫存,幫客戶下單當場請客戶確認。 5. 主管行動在外也可簽核估價單、銷貨訂單、請購單、採購單、請假單、會計傳票。出貨單,進貨單。 6. 主管隨時看各部門差勤到工人數,沒計畫做事之呆人、懶人、忙人, 7 .主管隨時看財務調度。工廠生產機台異常燈號警告。
Product Description : ESPRIT® is a high-performance CAM system for CNC programming, optimization and simulation — supporting any class of CNC machine via one common user interface and workflow. Using a digital twin of the CNC to simplify the programming process, ESPRIT delivers edit-free G-code. Combined with ESPRIT's ability to solve workflow challenges with individually tailored automation solutions, ESPRIT is the smart manufacturing solution for any machining application. With world-class technical support, ESPRIT empowers you to get started quickly and keep your shop running at top efficiency. ESPRIT is the only CAM system you’ll ever need.
Product Description : Softmill、lathe提供CNC控制器面板模擬、高精度實體切削模擬,並可設定切削素材的顯示材質與切削結果的尺寸與座標量測,支援刀具碰撞檢測。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : In order to decrease probability of the work safety accident, occupational disaster lost and casualties. We are focus on staff, machine, materials, environment in the process. We used AI, IOT and cloud service to develop an intellgent and automatic manage method. Through the AI to predict environmental hazards, confirm the people equiment, guardianship and machine function to achieve work safety, quality, warning and smart progress management. It promote the manage efficiency, decrease the cost of manage and occupational disaster happening in the same time.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
Product Description : RenAn's operation simulation workstation is a physical simulation with 3D graphic, showing the cutting and machining process. [Save consumable cost]: There is no need to worry about the expenditure of consumables, and it will not be affected by pollutants such as waste materials and oil and gas. [Safety]: Advanced 3D simulation and CNC virtual machine make high risk CNC operation without any danger. [Smart learning]: Like training the pilot using flight simulators, we use CNC simulator to train the students or operators to be the machinist. Its industrial panel remains the same functionality as real machine that students can practice constantly to accumulate hands-on operation skills. The controller series of simulator: Fanuc, Siemens, Heidenhain and Mitsubishi. Turning, Milling, TurnMill, 4 axis, 5 axis.
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