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Durastar Casters and Wheels
Product Description : 自1985年起,美國Durastar鉅國腳輪擁有超過30年的高品質腳輪製造與PU灌注經驗,是專業的腳輪製造商,具有多樣化的產品生產線,供應北美及亞太區域各式腳輪、輪子、油壓拖板車輪、堆高機輪與客製化PU灌注。我們生產高品質的聚氨酯優力膠PU輪適用於各種行業,應用範圍重至航太工業、輕至小型推車,鉅國腳輪都能滿足您的各式腳輪與PU產品需求。 鉅國腳輪所製造的腳輪及各式優力膠PU產品以高品質與高CP著稱,省力穩定且耐用,客戶遍布世界各地,諸如美國FedEx聯邦快遞、美國甘迺迪機場行李推車、日本Bishamon毘沙門、台灣美光科技及漢翔航空工業等皆使用我們的產品。
Product Description : SAN YUAN Electrical Chain Hoist Large Capacity SIMPLY THE BEST HOISTS ON THE MARKET !! ●A secondary mechanical load brake is an additional features on ER3 models only. ●ER3 type Electric Chain Hoists & overhead crane. ●Provide more stable and smooth operation and reduce the shaking of the lifting weight!! ●The "double safety mechanism" clutch and upper and lower limit switches are used to ensure safe operation!! ●Tough body is made by Die-Cast Aluminum to keep dimension precision & outlook smooth.. ●IP55 Enclosure Dust-protected and jet protected. ●Torque limiter-high transmission efficiency, quiet It has a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, handling, storage, and engineering construction of various industrial hoisting, lifting, and lifting equipment.
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