Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
ChiHua Machinery Company Limited
Product Description : 現階段奇樺的團隊從模具設計開發、試產、品質檢驗到大量生產、加工及包裝出貨皆可一條龍包辦;開發及生產過程中我們積極與客戶雙向溝通、找出問題、提供對策,讓客戶透明掌握自己的設計及生產大小細節。
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 【A Series:】 1. The jaw can be individually operated, and irregularly shaped workpieces can be clamped. 2. Install side strips and chips cover sealed base jaw to prevent chips and coolant ingress. 【D Series:】 1. Install side strips and chips cover sealed base jaw to prevent chips and coolant ingress. 2. Adapter Plates can be selected. 3. The base jaw is lower than the body surface and can be used for multipurpose. 4. Alternative spindle adaptors: ASA or DIN adaptors can be supplied as requested.
Product Description : The jaw boring rings (JB-type)(JB12) is suitable for CNC lathe. For adjust the high accuracy of chuck during cutting performance. For detailed specification and operation process, please download PDF.
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 1. High accuracy of repeated positioning 2. Special specifications can be customized
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Product Features:Different from the previous positioning of the box jaws by the positioning key, this product will positioning parts into the product, can be locked with the screw lock or unlock, can avoid the traditional positioning the possibility of flying out in the rotation and the advantage of easy assembly.
Product Description : 用途: CNC切削中心機,銑床,龍門銑床,電腦銑床等切削作業。<br /> 特性:<br /> 本體與面板一體成型加工完成。<br /> 以電控操作,快速充脫磁場變換。<br /> 以永久磁鐵吸著工件,沒有停電的危險性。<br /> 吸磁作業面,螺栓孔可應用於模具及固定方式的變化。<br /> 可配合彈性導磁塊,針對變形平面,作平面加工,大量節省調整時間,提高工作效率。<br /> 結構剛性佳,配合精度穩定,適合高精度加工作業。<br /> 與強力型電磁鐵比較,大幅度節省電力消耗。<br /> 防水效果最確實,保證不漏水,不漏電。<br /> 平均吸磁力18kgf/cm2以上。
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