Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : M26AB is of good quality and meets market needs. It solves the incomplete design of the traditional end mill grinding machine on the original market. Compared to other brands, M26AB features are as follows. Single piece grinding wheel can grind different end gash, first to none. It can grind variable index and spiral. Positioning is visible. Grinding intensive and powerful blades is adjustable. Grinding carbide flat drill bit. Grinding chip flutes positive angles. Standard vacuum can decrease chips spreading, good for health and machine. M26AB multi-function machine greatly reduces the cost of end mills and increases the efficiency. It is the first end mill grinding machine with standardized positioning, standardized & friendly operation, and multifunction on the market. These advantages attract users to test our machines and prove that M-26-AB can help their daily work.
Durastar Casters and Wheels
Product Description : 自1985年起,美國Durastar鉅國腳輪擁有超過30年的高品質腳輪製造與PU灌注經驗,是專業的腳輪製造商,具有多樣化的產品生產線,供應北美及亞太區域各式腳輪、輪子、油壓拖板車輪、堆高機輪與客製化PU灌注。我們生產高品質的聚氨酯優力膠PU輪適用於各種行業,應用範圍重至航太工業、輕至小型推車,鉅國腳輪都能滿足您的各式腳輪與PU產品需求。 鉅國腳輪所製造的腳輪及各式優力膠PU產品以高品質與高CP著稱,省力穩定且耐用,客戶遍布世界各地,諸如美國FedEx聯邦快遞、美國甘迺迪機場行李推車、日本Bishamon毘沙門、台灣美光科技及漢翔航空工業等皆使用我們的產品。
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