Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : The oil-water separator can separate the slide oil and cutting oil from the water in the water tank of the machine tool, thereby realizing the centralized discharge of waste oil while maintaining clean oil and water for circulating filtration. Features: It can be used without horizontal calibration and has a built-in double-layer impurity interception device to ensure efficiency and safety during operation. It is easy to install and use, and can easily extend the service life of the cutting fluid. It adopts pneumatic drive, which is safer and more reliable. The product has zero consumables and no additional burden.
Product Description : HAINBUCH segmented mandrels use state-of-the-art clamping technology that is convincing, even in the most critical applications. The central element is the vulcanized segmented clamping bushing. Because conventional clamping bushings are made of spring steel and are only annealed to spring hardness, they are »soft« and they must »bend« to clamp the workpiece. HAINBUCH segmented bushings are made of case-hardened chromium-nickel-steel and have segments that are extremely hard and rigid. All contact surfaces are completely ground in one operation guaranteeing optimum concentricity. Mandrels with hexagonal clamping geometry, the MAXXOS mandrels. are the optimized version for round MANDO mandrels. Thanks to the hexagonal geometry, a previously unattained clamping force and rigidity with the best precision is now achieved for internal clamping. The robust and powerful clamping mandrel delivers first-class values in terms of dirt density. The force is transmitted by positive locking, in addition to optimum process reliability and long maintenance intervals.
ICOP Technology Inc.
Product Description : The QEC-M series is an EtherCAT master that uses a dual-core, independently operating DM&P Vortex86EX2 processor for real-time, reliable synchronous EtherCAT control. The master core of the processor serves as the Arduino development environment; the slave core of the processor serves as the Real-time EtherCAT master. The two cores exchange data via Inter-Processors Communications (IPC).
Product Description : STP FUTURA全新影像處理式刀具設定儀<br /> 高精度來自於專業的設計<br /> 豐富的50年創新科技的智慧結晶。<br /> 關鍵的機台結構總是領先業界,但至今依舊無人能超越。<br /> 全新的STP FUTURA刀具設定儀 導入更符合人體工學的<br /> 操作模式、使用上更加便利以及提升刀具量測的精準度。<br /> 100%義大利製造。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Taifon Computer Co., Ltd. provides the EnVision360 Energy Management Platform, enabling real-time electricity monitoring, that helps users monitor demand response and detect electrical anomalies through data visualization with power consumption trends. By utilizing this cloud-based energy management platform in conjunction with smart meters, it is possible to establish energy baselines, calculate energy efficiency index, and effectively manage energy consumption with ease.
Product Description : 杂志
Product Description : Nikon MM-400N 高精度工具顯微鏡,搭載鑄鐵合金機身及載物台及0.1um光學尺,可量測XYZ尺寸,並且可選配高度對焦輔助器,主要在量測半導體打線及晶片,有最佳口碑及業界第一名的市占率,採用 Focusing Aid (對焦輔助) 可有效降低人為的測定誤差,提升量測精度,除維持粗調和微調的設計外,新增Z軸防落摔擋塊,避免人員因誤操作而造成機台或樣品撞擊,同時縮減機台縱深 30mm,空間的使用更彈性,平均使用年限超過二十年,可選搭鹵素燈或LED燈及各式廣角或鼻輪式高倍鏡頭,並可擴充2.5D影像量測軟體,亦可量測平面度,是品管最佳利器,主要應用在各大電子、精密模具加工廠及探針卡、電路板廠等
Product Description : T型結構床台設計。<br /> X, Y, Z軸滑軌均採用鑄鐵批覆合金鋼方式一體鑄造成型,以提昇硬度、耐磨性、吸振性及防鏽性,以重切削能力為訴求。<br /> 三軸皆採用預拉式滾柱導螺桿,可減少熱變形,提高定位精度。<br /> 齒輪傳動,有二檔變檔功能,在302rpm時即可達到全馬力輸出。<br /> 主軸及傳動齒輪採強製冷卻,可降低溫度,提申精度。<br /> 主軸頭部與立柱滑道面為8面接觸,以提高剛性,在重切削時獲得最高的穩定性。<br /> 主軸頭部為左右兩側對稱設計,可將溫度產生的熱變形降至最低的程度。<br /> 穿梭式自動交換工作台,腳踏迴轉裝置。<br /> 油壓系統,刀臂夾持自動刀具交換裝置(A.T.C),鍊式雙向迴轉刀盤結構,就近選刀。<br /> 浴池式自動交換工作台(6 A.P.C)。<br /> <br />
Product Description : Brand new design for the cutting edge of intelligent system and professional machining technologies includes real-time processing monitor, M to M networks, production management and new intelligent machining system.
Product Description : A professional video not only aims to bring a visual impact, but also can shape the audience's image for the company and the product, thereby generating more benefits. GTMC has always introduced the most advanced shooting equipment and with the most professional and dedicated service team to assist Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of multimedia videos. From planning, copywriting and scripting, executive production, photography, lighting, post-production editing, 3D animation design to 2D special effects design, etc., we have recruited various professionals across fields to assist companies for different video shooting needs and styles. Creating the most insightful company image video and product introduction video combining with GTMC online marketing experiences carries out the most efficient promotions for customers. The use of 4K high-quality video recording system combined with 3D computer animation can clearly and completely present the most complete information of companies, products, and services, crossing the distances and limitations of time and space, allowing global buyers to immerse themselves and deepen their impressions.
A Being Kou Tools Co., Ltd.
Product Description : MicroCentric was founded in 1969. 50 years of advancing engineering and high-quality manufacturing has earned MicroCentric the reputation as the global leader in precision workholding technology. Each MicroCentric product is backed by superior design, the highest quality materials and precision workmanship for reliable, long term performance and unmatched accuracy. MicroCentric is renowned for building workholding products of unmatched precision and accuracy. Most MicroCentric’s precision chucks have a standard repeating accuracy of .0001″ (0.002mm), and many models are accurate to within .00005″ (0.001mm).
Product Description : The PJ-30VT is a frequency control (variable volume) complex system. Supplied for maximum 70bar (1000psi), 100bar (1500psi) or 140bar (2000psi) working pressure to Swiss Lathes, CNC Lathes, and Machining Center. This system carries the LIS Automatic patent high-performance centrifugal filtration device, extended the lifetime of the consumables, and also lets the system more stable. Designed for the restricted tank capacity machine, reduced the problems of the tank foaming and overheat effectively.
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