Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : CIMCO包含NC程式模擬、NC程式管理及傳輸管理。提供管理者、設計者、操作者完整的NC管理及服務。
Product Description : Mastercam 為電腦輔助製造軟體,為全球最廣泛使用的CAM軟體,根據CIMdata 2022的CAM軟體裝機量研究報告,Mastercam已連續28年蟬聯第一。Mastercam 提供各式模組以滿足各式製造需求。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Taifon Computer Co., Ltd. provides the EnVision360 Energy Management Platform, enabling real-time electricity monitoring, that helps users monitor demand response and detect electrical anomalies through data visualization with power consumption trends. By utilizing this cloud-based energy management platform in conjunction with smart meters, it is possible to establish energy baselines, calculate energy efficiency index, and effectively manage energy consumption with ease.
Product Description : Guided-steps CAD/CAM with Machining Simulation including tool path verification and machining time. Excellent tool for learning CAD/CAM and verifying with simulation.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Robotiive, developed by IsCoolLab, is a Robotic process automation (RPA) solution that utilizes patented AI computer vision technology to achieve cross-platform, cross-system, cross-machine, and remote desktop data extraction, integration and automation. It is the only RPA system in the market that integrates both manufacturing and office settings. Using Robotiive, corporations can enhance productivity and efficiency but also substantially reduce human resource and operational costs. Additionally, its high scalability allows businesses to customize settings according to their own needs, providing their departments with a 24/7 digital workforce.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : AEAPLUS Smart Factory empowers you to create the ultimate production workflow! Highlights include: MES System: Intelligently manage production for enhanced efficiency! B2B Solutions: Simplify supply chains, expedite order processing! WMS System: Precise inventory management, cost-saving! PSRA Assistant: Smart scheduling for automated production! PDM Management: Optimize product data for improved performance! QRM Quality Records: Elevate quality control, continual optimization! BI Analytics: Data insights for informed decision-making! RPA Automation: Streamline workflows, unleash manpower! Irrespective of your factory's scale, our solutions deliver tangible benefits, aiding you in achieving more efficient and intelligent production processes.
Product Description : ESPRIT® is a high-performance CAM system for CNC programming, optimization and simulation — supporting any class of CNC machine via one common user interface and workflow. Using a digital twin of the CNC to simplify the programming process, ESPRIT delivers edit-free G-code. Combined with ESPRIT's ability to solve workflow challenges with individually tailored automation solutions, ESPRIT is the smart manufacturing solution for any machining application. With world-class technical support, ESPRIT empowers you to get started quickly and keep your shop running at top efficiency. ESPRIT is the only CAM system you’ll ever need.
Product Description : 國內市佔率最高的CNC車床CAD/CAM軟體<br /> 全中文畫面,簡單易學、繪圖快速,最符合加工業使用的CAD/CAM軟體<br /> 可由AutoCAD製圖畫出工件外形,再匯入DXF圖檔,轉換為CNC程式碼。<br /> 3D動態實體切削模擬,可預先檢視切削路徑避免刀具干涉及過切。<br /> 可設定架刀的安全角度,減少刀刃整面接觸工件而抖動,使刀具壽命延長。<br /> 自動檢查、過濾、斷線、刪除重疊線段。<br /> 準確的計算加工時間和工件重量,給予客戶精確的報價訊息,即時的爭取客戶的信任與訂單,決解你接單報價的困擾。<br /> 支援完整切削複合循環功能G71、G72、G74、G75(不規則形狀也可使用G75) 。<br /> 智慧型沿輪廓加工,節省加工時間(G73改良型) 。<br /> 智慧型自動挑刀、斷屑、分層,直線、圓弧皆可自動做斷屑或暫停的動作,再也不用為斷刀而傷透腦筋了。<br /> 人性化的刀庫設定,可依每位使用者設定不同的常用刀具。<br /> 可做特殊造型螺紋切削、連續螺紋多牙嘴 。<br /> 刀具路徑圖形化,刀具路徑也可直接作編修,編修完成G碼立即更改。<br /> 弧長、角度、斜度比自動換算功能。
Product Description : Digital twins of machine tools Digital twins of machine tools play a major part in optimizing the machine manufacturer's engineering processes. This is because the digital twin in the automation environment makes it possible to execute process steps in parallel, as opposed to consecutively, as used to be the case.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Transforming maintenance history into a digital knowledge base to enhance maintenance efficiency and reduce learning costs. 1.Establishing SOP standard maintenance procedures 2.Uploading text, images, and videos freely 3.Easily accessing through website and app 4.Customizing knowledge base languages based on different countries 5.Calculating average failure rates by region and machine model 6.Maintenance progress scheduling calendar 7.Remote automatic reporting system
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : iMES's real-time Internet of Things and monitoring reports gradually achieve smart manufacturing remote monitoring, providing each manufacturing customer with six major capabilities, including real-time collection of production data, working hours management, exception notification, intelligent management of production lines, optimization of production schedules, etc. Intelligent production applications realize automated and efficient interconnected factories. 1. Arrange optimal production schedule. 2. Generate ERP work orders. 3. Automatically manage machine recipe parameters. 4. Two-way real-time control of the machine device. 5. Manage the triggering rules for subsequent tasks on the machine. 6. Automation machine completion report information.
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