Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : *High supporting force CSP-P/ CSP-K increases the holding force between the piston rod and the inner jacket to arise the higher supporting force. *Coolant cleaning measures In order to prevent the malfunction from the intrusion of high-pressure coolant and the cutting dust entering the internal structure, air can be cleaned at the breathing port when replacing the workpiece. Air cleaning requires a dedicated air circuit. (recommended cleaning pressure is 0.3 - 0.5MPa). *Universal piping base CSP-P/ CSP-K piping base is interchangeable, which can be installed with other low-pressure cylinders in the same specifications.
Product Description : Spring Loaded Draw Latch |The proposed load of 22~50 kgf. Both sides spring design with compression function. Standard Lock-hole can using with lock. Suitable for vibration equipment. Smooth surface, excellent brushed finish appearance, in accordance with RoHS. The draw latch is including the horizontal keeper [CS(T)-0120-2 or CS(T)0130-2], if you need another type keeper then you can reference the below "Accessories". ➤Material: SUS304(Stainless steel)-vibration ground and brushed finish, SPCC(cold-rolled steel)-zinc plated
Product Description : Drawdown power chuck feature of radial clamping will lead to almost no workpiece uplifting displacement; for machining casting and forging part: 1. For the clamped workpiece is oppressed to the surface, chucks are suitable for heavy machining. 2. Chuck Actuators with the cylindrical structure is durable and ensures high clamping repeatability. 3. Accurate self-centering and pull back features are adequate or precise length control machining requirements.
ChiHua Machinery Company Limited
Product Description : 現階段奇樺的團隊從模具設計開發、試產、品質檢驗到大量生產、加工及包裝出貨皆可一條龍包辦;開發及生產過程中我們積極與客戶雙向溝通、找出問題、提供對策,讓客戶透明掌握自己的設計及生產大小細節。
POLISON Technology CO., LTD.
Product Description :
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Fuse Blast 是一種易於使用的全自動清潔和拋光解決方案,適用於 SLS 3D 列印零件的後處理流程,有助於更快速更輕鬆地製造專業的、一致的高潔淨度零件。Fuse Blast 可無縫整合到 Fuse 系列生態圈中,協助簡化後處理工作流程,讓您能夠在 30 分鐘內徹底清潔整個成型室內的全部列印零件,並大幅減少人工操作時間和成本。 透過選購的拋光系統,Fuse Blast 可將零件拋光至光滑、半亮面和可染色的三種不同的表面光潔度,始終如一地提供專業級效果,從而進一步提高零件外觀品質。
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Form 3L為 Formlabs 推出的大型光固化3D列印機,是一款成型空間達擁有達33.5*20*30cm的桌面級3D列印機,讓您的想像力不受限!採用最新專利研發的低應力光固化成型技術(LFS),擁有彈性樹脂槽與封閉式光學模組(LPU)等,大幅增加了機器的可靠與穩定性,精確度、平滑度及透度都大大增加,讓您的大物件也擁有精緻細節!搭配Form Wash L自動清洗機與Form Cure L溫控光固機,以磁力迴旋可一次清洗一個Form 3L平台或是兩個Form 3平台,並使用兩個500W加熱器與大功率紫外線燈全方位高度強化,發揮材料最佳性能! Form 3L特色包含 1. 33.5*20*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 大型物件也有大大的細緻度 3. 彈性成型槽印大型實心物件也不怕 4. 專利LFS技術配合光學模組使透度平滑度大幅提升 5. 雙卡匣智能給料,安心列印不中斷 6. 高達20多種樹脂滿足外觀、功能驗證需求 7. 輕觸支撐材,好拆不麻煩 8. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
Inngrit Co., Ltd.
Product Description : • 特殊專利具有吹氣清潔/氣流迴路,可提高操作效 率,進而提高生產力和安全性。 • 實現驚人的<0.005 mm重複精度 • 夾持力為2,000KG(油壓)和1,000KG(氣壓) • 上浮功能,取放方便,維護方便 • 最重要的創新是自動取放,比傳統手動快七倍。 • 適合在空間有限的四軸或五軸機器上使用。 • 英貴爾原點定位系統配合機械手臂和控制系統,可利用自動夾取、吹氣、檢知功能,透過程式控制實現快速、準確的工件夾緊和取放,實現自動化智慧生產
Product Description : [AR-800 旗艦多功能型] Multi-function Flagship Type *With the most advanced design that provides the multi-function of Ultrasonic, Brush DC (direct-current) and Brushless DC output. *All new design with high-efficiency microprocessor that give the machine with perfect performance. *The brushless DC with max. 250 watts and brush DC with max. 150 watts output power that gives your handpiece with high torque and high speed running. *The LED speed display shows you the running speed of brushless hanpiece. You can select the best and safe speed according to various tools and diameter. *Once turn on the machine, the system will automatically adjust the speed to “Zero”, that keep you away from the damage caused by high speed running of handpiece. [AR-108 單功能型] Single Function Practical Type *Ultrasonic lapping function only. *The machine provides reliable quality and good performance. *Max.40 watts output that satisfy difference of polishing works. *It is not only effective for lapping task, but also good for correction of PCB patterns.
Product Description : 1. Lightweight design can reduce the spindle for the vertical lathe. 2. Built-in check valve and stroke control brackets. 3. Developed for rear locking installation. 4. Central bore for coolant, air with thread rotary union.
Product Description : Clamptek’s CLKA series is using the optimal designation, so the clamping capacity is higher than other cylinders. The cylinder body and the fulcrum are integrated structured. Therefore, the cylinder’s size is smaller and it’s more solid and firm. Clamptek’s CLKA series uses special dust seals to ensure the high dust proof and high sealing performance. As for the lower flange part, which uses minimized designation, it’s suitable for the compact and light fixture. If you have any customized requests, please feel free to contact us. Please kindly check the suggested operating pressure as below, Max. operating pressure: 70 kgf/cm2 Min. operating pressure: 10 kgf/cm2
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 建立於 Fuse 1 成功的基礎下,formlabs 推出進階款選擇性雷射燒結(Selective Laser Sintering, SLS)3D列印機 Fuse 1+30W 及粉末回收系統 Fuse Sift。提升2倍的列印速度,在3倍的雷射功率下,實現真正快速的企業內部生產!使用尼龍粉末燒結技術,搭載高轉換效率的「掺鐿光纖雷射」與專利研發技術「表面盔甲技術」(Surface Armor),讓用戶獲得更穩定的列印品質與更堅固的物件表面。 Formlabs一直以來對於人體健康與環境保護都十分重視,Fuse 1在運轉時,通過國家室內空氣品質標準,其中包含甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、及PM10…等揮發性有機物測試,列印中不會產生有害氣體,另外也配有完善的粉末回收系統Fuse Sift。除了能將舊粉末過濾後重複使用,還可自動化混合新舊粉、自行選擇刷新比例,減去繁雜的手動混合程序,不僅環保不浪費,更能以最低耗損帶來最高產值。 【Fuse 1+30W 六大特色】 1. 16.5*16.5*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 掺鐿光纖雷射穩定的光束品質 3. 專利Surface Armor技術物件更堅固 4. 粉末回收率高、擁有自動粉末混合系統 5. 兼具高韌性、耐高溫、耐衝擊的多元性能列印材料 6. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
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