Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Fuse Blast 是一種易於使用的全自動清潔和拋光解決方案,適用於 SLS 3D 列印零件的後處理流程,有助於更快速更輕鬆地製造專業的、一致的高潔淨度零件。Fuse Blast 可無縫整合到 Fuse 系列生態圈中,協助簡化後處理工作流程,讓您能夠在 30 分鐘內徹底清潔整個成型室內的全部列印零件,並大幅減少人工操作時間和成本。 透過選購的拋光系統,Fuse Blast 可將零件拋光至光滑、半亮面和可染色的三種不同的表面光潔度,始終如一地提供專業級效果,從而進一步提高零件外觀品質。
Product Description : 刷、磨、拋、洗<br /> 專業化的設計能力<br /> 多樣化的線材應用<br /> 客制化的生產系統<br /> 提供客戶製程製品-刷、磨、拋、洗.全方位的解決方案<br /> 瑩聯股份有限公司—主要供應各式工業用刷是工業用刷之專業設計製造廠、擁有自有品牌(優利牌),產品適用於各行各業。無論需要刷洗、精細研磨、拋光、輕研磨、重研磨、毛邊去除、深孔加工皆有顯著效果!<br /> <br /> 主要產品:<br /> 1.動力輪刷系列適用於各型電動及汽動工具.<br /> 2.矽砂尼龍研磨刷系列可針對各種表面精細研磨.<br /> 3.輪軸刷及板槽刷系列接受各種線材及特殊尺寸訂製<br /> 4.鋼鐵業退火酸洗、脫脂清洗、刷磨、清洗等大型刷輥<br /> 5.德國技術合作專業生產高科技合成纖維輥適-用於鋼鐵軋片產線之刮油輥、塗油輥、擠水輥、張力輥、轉向輥、擠油輥、擠乾輥、擠壓輥、擠水輥、不織布擠水 輥。 6.各種線材及特殊尺寸可依照客戶需要量身訂製
Product Description : Miracle Diamond Files are electroplated with high quality diamond powders in an unique technology. Excellent cutting performance and extraordinary durability make your processing work more efficiently and smoothly than ever. We provide all kinds of high quality Diamond Files available on the market at competitive prices.
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 擺脫時間、地點的限制,利用自動化生產解決方案再創生產率新高!無需人工操作,24小時不停機生產,製造大量、高質量物件,使用 Formlabs 自動化解決方案(包含 Form Auto、群機管理和高容量樹脂系統),在 3D 列印工作流程中更高效的工作並重新定義生產能力。在不增加列印機管理複雜性的情況下擴展您的零件生產。從任何地方點擊發送,Formlabs 自動化解決方案將處理剩下的工作流程。 【最大程度地降低每個零件的成本,節省高達 80% 的勞動力】 在 Form Auto 出現之前,每個完成的零件都需要在後處理之前從成型平台上手動移除。Form Auto 透過將 Formlabs 獲得專利的「快速剝離技術」與「成型平台 V2 」結合使用,完全自動化地移除零件。蒐集的零件被放置在防紫外線的容器中,無縫批量轉移到 Form Wash。 【24 小時不間斷 3D 列印,無需額外程序】 Form Auto 自動化生產系統旨在不閒置列印機、不讓列印物件在序列中等待,無論現場是否有操作人雃,Form Auto 始終準備好開始下一次列印。 隨時隨地構建多列印機群,從辦公室點擊「列印」,立即在生產間開始生產。透過群機管理中的圖像和影片遠程監控和審查成品零件,設備內相機在完成時捕獲每個列印件來保存每個部分的記錄。
Product Description : Cristone Bristle Brush consists of Crystal Fiber Stones. The cutting performance, tool life and flexibility is superior than any other polishing stones or brushes. It can efficiently remove the roughness of the surface but prevent excessive shaving. For different grinding purposes and processing ways, we provide a wide selection of variable types for solutions so you can greatly boost your efficiency of grinding or polishing.
Product Description : 機械式可調扭力扳手 扭力範圍:2-10Nm 最小的扭力扳手~
Product Description : Compared to resin bond and metal bond wheels, Electroplated Grinding Tools are noted for relatively large grit protrusion and higher abrasive concentration. This results in very free cutting properties and in high stock removal capacity. Besides, these tools are noted for: 1. Allow special shapes and profile tools to be made at short notice. 2. Cause very little change on wheel shape after used, suitable for precision grinding. Application and Processing Material for Electroplated Grinding Tools : 1. Internal grinding: Suitable for the internal grinding of carbide and High Speed Steel. The smallest diameter of our electroplating area is 0.3mm so it could be used in drilling for fined ceramics. 2. Jig grinding: Mostly used in fined ceramics processing and precision grinding for quartz. Customized items are also provided to cater your needs. Common grit size is #80~#325, good for rough and fine processing. 3. Touchscreen Processing: Drilling and chamfering for the glass panel of the smart phone and tablet computer. In order to improve work efficiency, we could also combine different grit sizes in the same diamond mounted point. 4. Grinding for Cutting tools: Normal end-mill grinder and drill grinder go with electroplated wheel. Carbide can be ground by diamond wheel and High Speed Steel could be ground by CBN wheel. Bowl-shape wheel with standard specification is also provided, suitable for the grinding of turning tools. 5. Precision grinding: Electroplating can produce wheel of different shapes without deforming it. Therefore, it is suitable for precision grinding or trimming aluminum oxide wheel. 6. Gem grinding: shape grinding for gem, semi-precious stones, shell and jade.
Product Description : Cristone Crystal Fiber Stones are made from the high quality chemically produced crystal fibers.The crystalline structure offers high polishing efficiency, optimal surface finishes and tremendous bending strength. Cristone is 2 times stronger than normal fiber stones. Perfect stones for detail polishing. Extremely strong for tight ribs and slots. Excellent performance on EDM removal. They can be used in Ultrasonic Polishers and Air tools.
Product Description : 36W/40W is lightweight Single Function Ultrasonic Polisher with affordable prices so it totally fits the requirements of endusers. The high micro vibration stroke frequency saves time to reach a quality result of polishing and finishing. Their shaking is much smaller than Air Tools and it is perfect for objects that needs detailed polishing. Like precision molds, electronic molds, PCB boards, jewelry and so on.
Product Description : High precision, durability, stability electronic torque wrench, torque range of 0.1~1000 Nm, accuracy guaranteed ±1%, MIT, Japanese specifications wafer can use 20 years. Factory measured 100000 times to lock still keep high precision. Suitable for metal machine tool, controller & computer system, precision industry, high tech & electronic industry, quality assurance & manufacturing dep. |Tube Material:Medium carbon steel|Grip Material:ABS|Series: Standard Electronic Torque Wrenches, Mini Digital Torque Wrenches, Digital Torque Adapters, Open-ended Insert tools
Product Description : [AR-800 旗艦多功能型] Multi-function Flagship Type *With the most advanced design that provides the multi-function of Ultrasonic, Brush DC (direct-current) and Brushless DC output. *All new design with high-efficiency microprocessor that give the machine with perfect performance. *The brushless DC with max. 250 watts and brush DC with max. 150 watts output power that gives your handpiece with high torque and high speed running. *The LED speed display shows you the running speed of brushless hanpiece. You can select the best and safe speed according to various tools and diameter. *Once turn on the machine, the system will automatically adjust the speed to “Zero”, that keep you away from the damage caused by high speed running of handpiece. [AR-108 單功能型] Single Function Practical Type *Ultrasonic lapping function only. *The machine provides reliable quality and good performance. *Max.40 watts output that satisfy difference of polishing works. *It is not only effective for lapping task, but also good for correction of PCB patterns.
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