產品描述 : 座標測定機、形狀測定機、畫像測定機顯微鏡、測微器、游標卡尺測定工具等精密量測儀器
產品描述 : 安裝容易、降低運轉維護成本。
產品描述 : iMES實時的物聯網和監控報告,漸進達成智慧製造遠距監控,為每個製造業客戶提供六大能力,以生產數據即時收集、工時管理、異常通知、智慧管理產線、優化生產排程等生產智動化應用,實現自動化和高效互聯工廠。 1. 排訂最適生產排程。 2. 產生ERP派工單。 3. 自動化管理機台配方參數。 4. 雙向即時性控制機台裝置。 5. 管理機台後續任務的觸發規則。 6. 自動化機台完工回報資訊。
產品描述 : ① 可供铣車複合使用 ② 無背隙,無磨耗 ③ 高轉速 200rpm ④ 可水冷,有自鎖功能 ⑤ 可依母機廠需求客製
產品描述 : Rollix 精密級軸承環系列專門針對客戶精密需求設計的產品 高精度、高剛性、低扭矩順暢旋轉 簡約設計集合高承重、旋轉和鎖固孔的功能, 量產化的預壓結構, 精度品質高度穩定 方便快速設計和安裝, 減少配合組件 國內外都有計畫性庫存, 加快開發原型機的時程
產品描述 : 中心出水鎢鋼鑽頭 3xD, 5xD, 8xD, 10xD, 12xD, 15xD, 20xD
產品描述 : Swing clamp cylinders release the clamping point on the workpiece. With this, it is easy to change the workpiece. This hydraulic swing clamp cylinder operates as single-acting or double-acting traction cylinder, whereas part of the stroke is used to rotate the piston. The model with 0° swing angle operates only vertical as traction cylinder. To guarantee a long lifetime the cylinders have an integrated metal wiper as standard. For oil supply, the cylinders are equipped with threaded port and manifold port with O-ring for drilled channels. You can select between right or left turning models with various standardized swing angles. The integrated overload protection protects the swing mechanism from damage due blockage of the rotation or improper assembly of the clamping arm. For any risk of exceeding the permitted volume flow a throttle check valve must be interposed into the oil supply line. Counter-hold the clamping arm when tightening or loosening the counter nut in order to prevent torque transfer to the piston rod and to avoid damage to the ball guide. Variations with 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° swing angles are available. The permitted operating pressure is depending from the clamping arm length.
產品描述 : 快速整合 EX系列雕模放電加工機,可透過OPCUA、API等通 訊快速串聯MES系統、線上量測、倉儲系統等其他 平台及設備,打造彈性智能化智慧產線。 智慧產線 實際銷售案例- 歐洲汽車模具自動化產線,MES整合銑床 以及EX系列雕模放電加工機,即時生產所需刀具且 無間斷加工,一年下來可有效提升30%以上機台稼動率 ,兩台放電設備一年增加3000小時以上有效加工時數。
產品描述 : 以SG微晶磨料搭配高純度氧化鋁,並採用美系結合劑BP所燒製而成。具高效能研削及高加工穩定性。 工件材料 :FC、FCD、S45C、SCM、SKD。
產品描述 : ●德國進口鎢鋼材料 ●定位快,30秒完成換刀定位 ●壽命長,直接對標國際大牌 ●排屑佳 ●C/P值最高
產品描述 : 二軸控制機械手<br /> 具有Y軸(選配)<br /> 單手臂.單邊行程<br /> 陣列式迴轉盤<br /> 成品輸送帶(選配)
產品描述 : Coupling elements of HYDROKOMP are made of stainless materials. This enables the elements to be used for all fluids and gases that are not aggressive. Special designs eg. for water steam or other media are available on request. HYDROKOMP offers coupling elements for two different operating modes depressurized coupling or pressurized coupling. The elements for depressurized coupling can be coupled pressurized up to 25 bar, if the specified volume flow is not be exceeded. When using higher operating pressure there ockures a risk of demaging the soft seal in the check valve as the result of high flow velocities of the fluid. This means for coupling of air up to 10 bar there should be always used the coupling elements for depressurized coupling. This also applies when the coupling process is initiated pressurized. The elements which can be coupled pressurized may be coupled up to the maximum specified operating pressure on one side and / or on both sides.
搜尋參展商 PULL