產品描述 : This machine is an improved model from the Y Rail model, featuring similar functions. Designed standard with 4-station hanger with two side doors on blasting chamber. To meet your specific production line requirements, additional hangers are available for the entire working environment. Contact us for further details. Features: 1.The machine employs a PLC controller for continuous cycles of blasting operation. 2.The cycle motions are: the hanging shaft enters the blasting chamber, and then moves to a fixed position at a lower speed. The door closes automatically. Once the door is closed, the blade starts running automatically, and the machine performs blasting. Once operation is accomplished, steel balls are supplied and the blade stops automatically. When the blade comes to a complete stop, the door opens automatically. When the door opens to the fixed position, the chain conveyor quickly delivers the nest hanging rod into the blasting chamber, then moves forward at a lower speed to a fixed position. The door closes automatically and performs the nest cycle of blasting operation.
產品描述 : 旋轉盤平面磨床 型號: PFG-R400DT
產品描述 : 適用於磨床研削薄細物件
產品描述 : 為降低工安意外發生機率、職災損失與人員傷亡,針對工程中的人員、機具、物料、環境,利用人工智能、物聯網及雲服務做出智慧化與自動化的管理。透過人工智能預測環境危害、人員裝備確認、開口人員監護、人員、機具所在位置…等功能,達到職安、品質及工程進度智能管控及預警,提升管理效率之同時也能夠有效降低管理成本及職災發生之機率。
產品描述 : 規格 工作台尺寸: 1515 x 470 mm 左右行程: 1300 mm 前後行程: 600 mm Y 軸軌道寬: 720 mm Z 軸高: MAX 810 mm Z 軸軌道寬: 420 mm 主軸斜度: NT#40(BT) 主軸馬達: 5HP / 4P 主軸轉速: 70~3600 RPM 快速進給速率: 10~6000 mm/min 滾珠螺桿: Ø32 mm C5 級 淨重: 3500 kgs
產品描述 : HBOR極細微調精搪孔刀系統目前有從Ø2~Ø230的孔徑,可任意組合刀座、刀桿作不同型式的切削分別有SRTP、SRTC、SRCC、SR9C、FKTP、FKCC、FK9C等多樣選擇。
產品描述 : 精密迴轉頂針- 工廠自行生產製造, 熱處理至HRC60度.<br /> 有多種不同功用和負重之全系列頂針可供選擇使用.<br />
產品描述 : 美國原裝進口MicroCentric Corp.公司製造,PMC量產夾頭3吋、4吋、5吋至6吋四種規格,加工中心、銑床臥式機檯大幫手。
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