產品描述 : ■ 防止CNC工作機械主軸因油溫的變化而影響加工精度。 ■ 保持油溫穩定防止油質劣化,並保持潤滑油黏度不變,使主軸動作穩定。 ■ 本機採用機體同步溫度控制面板,讓油溫追隨室溫,防止機械結構熱脹冷縮。 ■ 具備故障自動檢測顯示機能,透過電腦連線告知CNC主機故障情形,避免機件損壞。 ■ 採用新型高效率環保冷媒,不污染環境。
產品描述 : The rotary lever clamp is especially suited for clamping fixtures with only little space for the installation of clamping elements. Its construction and compact design allows flexible solutions at various installation conditions. HYDROKOMP offers hydraulic rotary lever clamps which are single-acting as well double-acting. They are used in clamping fixtures whose oil supply is made through drilled channels. To swing down the clamping arm, the linear motion is used pro rata which clamps the workpiece. To unclamp, the clamping arm swings back to where the workpiece can be safely taken out.
產品描述 : *RT型系列油冷卻器-採用高效率滾牙銅管製成固定管板式機型. *與一般傳統式銅管製品相比,不但提高散熱效率,而且冷卻器本體體積縮小,最適合油壓機器冷卻系統,熱交換器之組合. *準確度高-品質穩定的擴管系統,管板與散熱管緊密度萬無一失. *精確的CNC中心加工設備,嚴謹的製做管理,就是品質的保證.
產品描述 : Coupling elements of HYDROKOMP are made of stainless materials. This enables the elements to be used for all fluids and gases that are not aggressive. Special designs eg. for water steam or other media are available on request. HYDROKOMP offers coupling elements for two different operating modes depressurized coupling or pressurized coupling. The elements for depressurized coupling can be coupled pressurized up to 25 bar, if the specified volume flow is not be exceeded. When using higher operating pressure there ockures a risk of demaging the soft seal in the check valve as the result of high flow velocities of the fluid. This means for coupling of air up to 10 bar there should be always used the coupling elements for depressurized coupling. This also applies when the coupling process is initiated pressurized. The elements which can be coupled pressurized may be coupled up to the maximum specified operating pressure on one side and / or on both sides.
產品描述 : 轉子壓縮系統 100%德國原裝進口,為確保空壓機運轉品質,以及穩定的出氣流量,我們採用德國高精密度的轉子,性能穩定、品質優異,而且更是堅固耐用。 向揚工業持續不斷地研發與創新,我們的產品在各方面與時俱進,公司經營目標為最有競爭力的品牌,專業、精緻、設計有足夠的彈性與機動力來接受市場的一切挑戰,客製化是我們的標準程序,把握每次為企業再造注入新的契機與活力的機會,在日新月異的競爭時代,唯一堅持不變的信念: 品質就是力量!
產品描述 : 回油過濾器主要安裝在液壓系統的回油管路上,各類液壓元件在工作過程中所產生的磨粒等各種雜質可以通過設置回油管路過濾而被阻擋,避免再次回到油箱
產品描述 : PJ-20S是中壓系列標準型系統, 無水箱設計。適用於一般加工環境,幫助客戶清理鐵屑,適用於走心式車床。 -電控面板模組化,便於維修 -直覺式操控面板,易於操作 -三組M碼輸出 -體積小,空間省
產品描述 : 1. O-Rings<br /> 2. 背托環<br /> 3. 各式密封件<br /> 4. 特瑞堡是一個全球性的工業集團,其業界領先地位是基於先進的聚合物技術和淵博的專業應用知識。<br /> 我們為要求嚴格的工業環境開發高性能的減振、密封和防護系統解決方案。
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