產品描述 : 得雲精密工業有限公司致力於空調設備、冷凍設備、控制箱熱交換器、水冷卻機、空調冷卻機、水冷卻機附水箱、油冷卻機、熱交換式冰水機、切削液專用循環式油冷卻機、放電加工機專用油冷卻機、切削液專用油冷卻機等產品生產製造及服務。 得雲生產的冷卻系統,能讓工作母機或產業機械得到最有效的控制溫度、及濕度等,並延長控制元件的使用壽命,進而使機械充分發揮其精度、穩定度及提升生產產品的品質。 以最專業的設計,最佳規劃,讓得雲的產品為機械的守護者,最長保固期與最佳售後服務,讓得雲成為冷卻系統權威。
產品描述 : Swing clamp cylinders release the clamping point on the workpiece. With this, it is easy to change the workpiece. This hydraulic swing clamp cylinder operates as single-acting or double-acting traction cylinder, whereas part of the stroke is used to rotate the piston. The model with 0° swing angle operates only vertical as traction cylinder. To guarantee a long lifetime the cylinders have an integrated metal wiper as standard. For oil supply, the cylinders are equipped with threaded port and manifold port with O-ring for drilled channels. You can select between right or left turning models with various standardized swing angles. The integrated overload protection protects the swing mechanism from damage due blockage of the rotation or improper assembly of the clamping arm. For any risk of exceeding the permitted volume flow a throttle check valve must be interposed into the oil supply line. Counter-hold the clamping arm when tightening or loosening the counter nut in order to prevent torque transfer to the piston rod and to avoid damage to the ball guide. Variations with 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° swing angles are available. The permitted operating pressure is depending from the clamping arm length.
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