製品の説明 : JIS 3XD Drills with Oil-Feed 140° S-shape drill tip design to reduce axial force. Design with groove shape to provide higher chip removal rates. Good wear resistance and lubrication with Nano multilayer coating. Oil-feed design could reduce temperature effectively and increase chip removal rates during cutting process. Application for drilling with Steels which under HRC48, Cast Iron…etc. Suitable for drilling with 3XD depth.
製品の説明 : HYDAC-工具機產業的最佳專業夥伴<br /> <br /> <br /> 50多年來,HYDAC始終是流體技術、液壓、電子設備及冷卻系統的領導供應商,全球擁有超過10,000名員工。<br /> <br /> 不僅於標準產品,HYDAC還特別專為加工中心機開發設計了各式種類的組件,包括液壓、冷卻系統、電子及<br /> 切削冷卻液等領域的產品應用。<br /> <br /> HYDAC智慧整合產品,可為加工中心機提供創新及技術先進的優勢。
製品の説明 : 有晙精密的鎢鋼螺紋丸駒(圓駒/ 圓板牙)具備 高性能/ 高精度/ 高壽命特性的 是滿足全自動化生產的加工利器
Parjet Co.,Ltd.
製品の説明 : PTFE Glide seal sets consists of a PTFE sealing element with a rubber O-ring functioning as elastic energizer. This type of Teflon seal is mainly used to seal reciprocating rods, pistons, and plungers, commonly found in hydraulic and pneumatic applications. The required sealing effect is achieved by radial pressure, produced by the preloaded element and system pressure, on the lip against mating surface. The elastic energizer pushes the PTFE ring against the mating surface which provides the initial sealing force for the PTFE seal.
Parjet Co.,Ltd.
製品の説明 : HiPerSeal®, aka Spring Energized Seal and Teflon Spring Seal, is a U-shaped machined performance polymer that utilizes a single spring energizer to provide force for the sealing lips. The seal jacket is made from PTFE compounds using high-performance polymer fillers to enhance overall spring seal life and wear resistance properties. The system pressure ultimately increases the sealing force and creates a leak tight seal. Because the spring loaded seal utilizes a spring, slight misalignment is tolerated, and the sealing force and jacket wear is more consistent. Spring energizers are available in corrosion resistant metal alloys such as stainless steel, Elgiloy and Hastelloy to meet the most serious corrosive and high temperature applications. We offer a wide variety of springs energizers including Canted Coil springs, Helical springs and Cantilever springs. For more information, you may refer to the tab "Spring" under "Products".
製品の説明 : DATORKER® Strain Wave Gear (DT) DATORKER, harmonic gearing system, has the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency, high torsional rigidity, and low starting torque. It is widely used in robots, automation equipment, semiconductor equipment, machine tools and other industries. HIWIN has developed various specifications to provide customers with wide ranges of choice and be able to provide customized services to meet customer’s various design and technical requirements.
製品の説明 : 1 .用戶可降低安裝時間高達90% 2. 最高的工藝可靠性和重複精度<0.005 mm 3. 完全密封 4. 由於渦輪增壓功能,最大牽引力可達45 kN(APS 190) 5. 由於經過熱處理的元件和額外的硬質保護塗層,因此具有耐磨性和防銹(或不銹)性
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : 建立於 Fuse 1 成功的基礎下,formlabs 推出進階款選擇性雷射燒結(Selective Laser Sintering, SLS)3D列印機 Fuse 1+30W 及粉末回收系統 Fuse Sift。提升2倍的列印速度,在3倍的雷射功率下,實現真正快速的企業內部生產!使用尼龍粉末燒結技術,搭載高轉換效率的「掺鐿光纖雷射」與專利研發技術「表面盔甲技術」(Surface Armor),讓用戶獲得更穩定的列印品質與更堅固的物件表面。 Formlabs一直以來對於人體健康與環境保護都十分重視,Fuse 1在運轉時,通過國家室內空氣品質標準,其中包含甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、及PM10…等揮發性有機物測試,列印中不會產生有害氣體,另外也配有完善的粉末回收系統Fuse Sift。除了能將舊粉末過濾後重複使用,還可自動化混合新舊粉、自行選擇刷新比例,減去繁雜的手動混合程序,不僅環保不浪費,更能以最低耗損帶來最高產值。 【Fuse 1+30W 六大特色】 1. 16.5*16.5*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 掺鐿光纖雷射穩定的光束品質 3. 專利Surface Armor技術物件更堅固 4. 粉末回收率高、擁有自動粉末混合系統 5. 兼具高韌性、耐高溫、耐衝擊的多元性能列印材料 6. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
製品の説明 : Guided-steps CAD/CAM with Machining Simulation including tool path verification and machining time. Excellent tool for learning CAD/CAM and verifying with simulation.
製品の説明 : GENERAL DESCRIPTION RTB bearings (standabearings consist of a L-shaped inner ring - complet-ed with a washer -, an outer ring, two roller thrust bear-ings and a cylindrical roller bearing, full complement.Unitec has modified the inner design of RTB bearings and therefore load-carrying capacity and stiffness values may differ from the ones of past designs indicated on previous catalogues. The axial and radial load ratings have been calculated according to UNI ISO 76 and UNI ISO 281 standards.
製品の説明 : For 2mm-34mm Twist Drill Re-sharpening , Angle 90°-140° Easy to Operate , grinding a drill within 10 seconds. Special Design High Accuracy Alloy Steel Collets Accurate Grinding consumption 0.2mm High Efficiency DC motor Stable Quality Diamond Dust Grinding Wheel Considerable Design, Invisible Tool Box, Delicate & Friendly Use Portable Design with only weight 21.5 kgs for Machine, 13.6 kgs for Tool Box
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