製品の説明 : This is a revolutionary new concept of engraving tools with indexable carbide inserts. They offer you the ability to produce HIGH QUALITY ENGRAVING in most materials. The latest coated carbide grades help you to obtain higher speed and feed rate, dramatically reducing your cycle time. ● High Positive Rake Angle • Indexable insert. • Suitable for engraving all types of materials, such as plastic, non-ferrous metal, aluminum, copper, carbon steel and stainless steel. ● Multi-Side Grinding • Full peripherally ground insert to ensure efficient repeatability. • It performs excellently without producing any burrs, especially in copper, aluminum and stainless steel. ● High Speed, High Feed Rate • Designed to run at high speed, up to 40,000 r.p.m. • Feed rate 0.08mm (0.003”) / rev. apply to aluminum; 0.05mm (0.002”) / rev. apply to stainless steel. • Reduces engraving cycle time! ● Economical • Each indexable insert has 2 cutting edges. • No resharpening required. Tool length is unchanged. • No need to reset after changing insert or cutting edge. • Excellent repeatability!
製品の説明 : GJ-400 series from COMIRK combines internal grinding and cylindrical grinding in a single machine. Multiple face grinding can be accomplished with one setup for the work-piece. This machine not only saves considerable amount on machine investment costs and labor costs, but it also features dramatically upgrade for better machining efficiency and machining accuracy. Machine Features -Various speed of spindles selection allows for the highest grinding efficiency -Double wheel spindles exhibit high efficiency internal and external grinding -Internal, external, end face and tapered face can all be ground in one process -Highly rigid machine structure ensures the best possible stability during grinding -X, Y, Z axes are all mounted with high precision linear guide-ways. -This machine is equipped with a FANUC CNC controller -Multi-face grinding requires only one setup for the work-piece. -Non-circular grinding function is available (Optional) -Fully enclosed splash-guard
製品の説明 : ■The specially designed software allows the operator to design the desired graphs on characters with ease, then machining can be conducted immediately. ■By using CAD/CAM software, material can be fully utilized for saving materail cost. ■The automatic height adjustment function enables the focal length to be maintained at a constant status, thus ensuring the consistency of cutting quality. ■3D tilt cutting function (optional) allows multiple tubes to join precisely. The function is also applied for beveled edges welding. ■Small heating area on the workpiece eliminates workpiece deformation problems. ■This machine is equipped with a constant temperature water chiller, enabling the machine to withstand long time continuous running with stable performance. ■The enclosed splash guard can prevent damage to personnel due to the strong laser light.
製品の説明 : General-purpose, low-cost vibration sensor with an integrated sensor and amplifier, and an output current ranging from 4 to 20 mA. This low-cost and straightforward vibration monitoring sensor is ideal for controlling and monitoring rotating machinery. It offers three measurement modes: displacement measurement, velocity measurement, and acceleration measurement. Due to the 4-20 mA DC output, it can be directly connected to recorders, displays, timing circuits, and other equipment. The integrated design of the sensor and amplifier eliminates the need for a separate vibration meter amplifier. It operates on a 2-wire system, comprising power and signal lines, with no polarity considerations during connection. By connecting to a dedicated monitor or instrument relay, it can be used as a vibration meter or vibration measuring instrument. It is also compatible with Fuji Electric's MVM series. ※Can be used in conjunction with the Model-2590C display.
製品の説明 : ●拖鏈系統<br /> 根據拖鏈類型預先選擇<br /> V高性價比,易於裝填的拖鏈,一片式,拉鏈式<br /> V極小,小及中型尺寸拖鏈,一片式和兩片式<br /> V防護電纜不受碎屑和污垢的影響 - 用於能量供應系統的拖管,兩片式<br /> V幾乎適用於所有應用的標準四片式拖鏈套件<br /> V低噪音,低磨損,無震動的三片式或六片式拖鏈<br /> V適用於3維和圓周運動的拖鏈,尤其適用於機器人應用<br /> V長行程拖鏈和特別應用的拖鏈解決方案。<br /> V浪管和軟管導向解決方案<br /> <br /> ●用於移動供電的chainflex®<br /> 用於移動供電的 chainflex® 耐彎曲電纜<br /> chainflex® 耐彎曲電纜是非訂製電纜,用於拖鏈中的運動應用或機器手臂應用,保證36個月無故障。 <br /> chainflex® 耐彎曲電纜符合EMC安全要求以及各種標準和準則,如UL、CSA、VDE、EAC、CTP、Interbus和Profibus。 c可採用多種護套材質。產品系列涵蓋了控制電纜、伺服電纜、馬達電纜、機器人電纜,以及總線電纜、數據電纜、編碼器電纜和光纖電纜。用於拖鏈的 chainflex® 耐彎曲電纜在長時間內完美運轉,承受眾多循環、高速和高加速度以及非常極端的環境條件。<br /> <br /> ●訂製電纜 readycable®<br /> readycable® 全裝配電纜是適合在拖鏈中使用的易於連接的電纜。作為製造商和訂製廠商,igus® 從單一來源提供所有產品,從而減少生產時間和供應商的數量。產品組合包含廣泛的目錄產品系列,如根據製造商標準和不同工業標準訂製的電纜以及單獨或量產的部件。許多不同質量、不同類型、符合不同標準、不同認證的電纜可供選擇。所有部件都接受廣泛的品質檢查和功能測試。<br /> <br /> ●組裝到好的 readychain®全裝配拖鏈<br /> 客製的拖鏈系統:精簡從設計到組裝的流程<br /> 我們即插即用的客製拖鏈可將採購選項、零件清單項目、聯絡人數量和安裝工作量降至最少。 這樣以避免不必要的倉儲空間和資源浪費。 它們創造出最佳的解決方案並增加加您的競爭優勢。 它們優化了拖鏈、電纜、接頭、空壓管、液壓管、金屬件、傳感器、PLC、軸承、線性滑軌裝置和其他機械零件的供應鏈。 <br /> 拖鏈、電纜、模組化——以 igus® 的全裝配拖鏈優化流程!<br /> <br /> 更多資訊: https://www.igus.com.tw/
製品の説明 : ST-1500MC is equipped with ATC system & CNC rotary table and is suitable for drilling coolant channels, injection channels and milling- pockets on big plastic molds. The max. drilling length is 1500mm.
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : OCTOPUZ 是一款功能強大的全廠模擬及機器人離線編程軟體,可幫助您提高生產效率和產品質量。 主要功能: ✔️ 同時編輯和模擬多台機器人 🤖 支援各種著名品牌機器人配置 ✏️ 輕鬆進行編輯及修改程式 ⚙️ 支援 CAD/CAM 簡單生成最佳化軌跡 ⚡ 隨拉即用的快速功能 📥 完善的 API 可開發自訂程式 🔃 機器人動作優化,解決奇異點、碰撞、關節和達到極限問題 應用領域: ✂️ 尋邊 🛠️ 材料移除 ⚒️ 製造 🤖 模擬 🎨 塗佈
製品の説明 : Please check the catalogue
製品の説明 : The DC12 is the most robust VMC in AXILE’s arsenal, perfectly suited for handling larger, lengthy workpieces. With a maximum table loading weight of 2.5 tonnes and maximum diameter of 2,200 mm X 1,200 mm, the DC12 takes on the larger, heavier parts common in the aerospace, power generation, and die and mold industries. Its double-column bridge construction allows for greater rigidity, as well as greater control over thermal deformation. As a result, the D12 is capable of deep cuts and complex contouring while maintaining utmost precision. With larger workpieces come more chips, meaning the DC12 features excellent chip removal efficiency, to prolong tool life and ensure no residual interference. Therefore, the DC12 delivers the high surface quality expected by leading manufacturers.
製品の説明 : Intelligent, Specialized in heavy duty cutting Optimum stability & High rigidity of 3-axes box guideway model +One of Major 6 Brands of Self-Made NC Controllers Taiwan One and Only Hartrol Premium Controller +AI intelligent technology Automatic tuning parameter maintains accuracy +For box guideway model, 50% Quadrant Error reduced and 30% reduction in backlash error +25% wider width, 15% rigidity increased +15% ~ 20% machining efficiency better than peers +30% accuracy better than peers with full stroke support of saddle design, which ensures structure stability and durability
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