製品の説明 : 從光學檢測軟體到自動化設備之機構設計與製造整合 提供一站式的總體解決方案。 客製化規劃,專業設計開發AI+AOI光學檢測機台,可串連現有機台,設計全新自動化流程,提升瑕疵檢測的效率、降低人力成本。適用於面板業、生技藥廠、半導體、食品飲料等產業的各式瑕疵檢測應用。 瞭解更多:https://iiot.apacer.com/tw/optical-inspection/ai-aoi-automation/ 更多實績案例,歡迎參考Apacer宇瞻智慧物聯官網:https://iiot.apacer.com/tw/case-studies/
製品の説明 : Our range of optical sensors comprises classic forked light barriers with red light or infrared technology. Still greater accuracy is offered by our laser light barriers, which even respond to tiny objects. The special design with integrated air system is an optimal solution when it comes to contamination, as the air system prevents dust and dirt from collecting on the transmitter and receiver. A further CAPTRON innovation is the product series of TCP measurement units with laser. TCP measurement units ensure a highly precise tool calibration and precise XYZ measurement in industrial robots. TCP measurement units are commonly used in robot-based automation processes in the metering and bonding technology, welding, soldering and in the food industry.
製品の説明 : The performance of the spindle is an important key to processing quality. When you understand the performance of the spindle, you can predict and control the quality of the processed parts. The shape accuracy, roundness, and surface roughness of the workpieces are all related to the performance of the spindle. Only when the spindle is real measuring the accuracy of the spindle at the processing speed of the machine has meaning to the control of the quality of the processed parts, so measuring and understanding the performance of the machine tool, finding the best working speed, determining the warm-up time, even confirm the accuracy of the spindle after the collision. LION provided this SEA analysis system as early as 1993 to help spindle manufacturers, machine tool factories and processing plants to reduce workpiece defect rate and improve product quality. ★The SEA system complies with the following international standards: ✓ ANSI / ASME B5.54-2005: "Methods for Performance Evaluation of CNC Machining Centers" ✓ ISO230: Test Code for Machine Tools, 3: "Determination of Thermal Effects" 7: "Geometric Accuracy of Axes of Rotation" ✓ ANSI / ASME B5.57-1998: "Methods for Performance Evaluation of CNC Turning Centers" ✓ ANSI / ASME B89.3.4: "Axes of Rotation, Methods for Specifying and Testing"
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : 德國 Gfai tech 是量測設備的領導者,長期專注於聲音與振動的量測設備開發並提供可視化產品與服務。其結構動態 (Structure Dynamics) 應用產品,確保客戶從聲音與振動結合的量測數據中獲得更多知識用於解決工程問題。 Key Benefits ► Gfai Tech/ Mikado 是解決噪音與振動問題的完善解決方案 ► 觸碰螢幕與手動觸發按鈕等特性確保快速與簡單操作 ► Mikado系統包含快速及有效聲學量測與分析所需的所有組件 ► 可透過設備直接記錄數據與進行基於頻域與時域的基本分析 ► 全移動裝置使得幾乎可從任何位置進行量測 ► 系統陣列帶有整合的Intel® RealSense™ 超高畫質(Full HD)解析度景深攝影機與記錄深度訊息能力
製品の説明 : 寶膺提供專業代理,德國工業相機領導品牌 IDS Imaging Development Systems的各項產品,專注於 2D 與 3D 的視覺應用與解決方案,提供客戶專業優質的服務!
製品の説明 : ■ Measures acceleration, Velocity and displacement ■ Maximum/Minimum record function ■ Earphone output for detecting noise in machine components ■ Manual memory stores up to 99 data ■ RMS, EQ PEAK and EQ P-P measurement ■ Wide range of vibration measurement by using different sensitivity of accelerometers ■ Excellent accelerometer for harsh environments
製品の説明 : FEATURE:  Six particle size channels : 0.3m, 0.5m, 1.0m, 2.0m, 5.0m, 10m  Integrated temperature / humidity sensor (no need for external add-on).  Flow rate 2.83 L/minute (0.1 CF / minute).  Rechargeable battery provides up to 4 hours of continuous operation (charge time 2.5 hours).  Buffer function allows storing and redisplay of up to 500 measurement data sets.  SD storage device. APPLICATIONS:  Monitoring clean-rooms, manufacturing processes and pharmaceutical production.  Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring.  Monitoring gowning rooms.  Testing filter seals.  Locating particle contamination sources.  Monitoring particle size distributions.
製品の説明 : XK10 校準雷射系統是為了量測工具機的幾何和旋轉誤差而開發。與 XK10 工具機夾具套件搭配使用,能以比量錶、自動視準儀、量測治具等傳統方法更快、更簡單的方式進行量測。此系統可用於線性導軌,以確保導軌筆直、方正、平整、平行及水平,並可用於評估旋轉機器的主軸方向及同軸度。
製品の説明 : "VM25" is a high-performance application of a fully modular system designed for grinding machines, including automatic balancing on the 1 and 2 sides of the grinding wheel spindle, the use of audio detection to control the contact of the grinding wheel to the workpiece or sand, online Measurement and off-line measurement (absolute or relative) and other functions. "B-Safe" can provide vibration and temperature information of the main shaft to detect and monitor the status analysis of the main shaft and machine. It is a new thinking product for intelligent monitoring. Its miniaturized volume design helps to install directly on the main shaft, ensuring that it can provide immediate monitoring of abnormal operating conditions, further predicting the timing of maintenance and failures, protecting your machine and reducing downtime.
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