产品描述 : (一) 軍規接頭。<br /> (二) SLS 電子電源接頭。<br /> (三) SLT電子電源接頭。<br /> (四) JN1電子電源接頭。<br /> (五) CM10電子電源接頭。<br /> (六) HARTING歐式重載連接器。<br />
产品描述 : 我們的厭氧膠分為四大類: ◆螺絲固定劑:能完全填充螺紋之間的空隙,可以取代彈簧墊圈、雙螺母,及其他機械固定裝置,簡化產品的設計,並可防止螺絲扣件腐蝕、卡死、鬆動、滲漏、減少維修時間,永久確保螺絲裝配的安全,提高機械的穩固性。 ◆圓形配件固定劑:主要應用於各種金屬圓柱型零組件的組裝。如:軸承、軸套、插銷、鍵槽、齒條、輪轂及滑輪等圓形配件的組裝固定,取代傳統的壓配、插銷、鍵槽等費時費力高成本的工作方式,改為簡易的輕壓配或滑配的方式。 ◆管路密封劑:適用於金屬螺紋配管。它可以固定、密封金屬管路系統,填充金屬零件與螺紋之間的空隙,並防止洩漏、承受管路壓力、防止熱脹冷縮或震動引起的鬆脫和洩漏。 ◆法蘭墊片密封劑:適用於各種尺寸的平面表面。它取代了傳統墊片,從而降低庫存成本。其特點包括無溶劑成分、高黏度、耐壓性和使用便捷性。相較於預先切割的墊片,其優勢在於簡化工藝、降低缺陷率、減少生產混亂,以及與多種黏著方法相容。
产品描述 : High-strength connection and maximum sealing Can you imagine high-quality products without screw connections? Modern technology cannot do without them as detachable joints. In the industrial sector, fluid technology, pneumatics and sealing technology are among the fields of application. In those sectors, often additional functions such as sealing, insulation or reuse of bolts are required – only to mention a few. One classic example are adjusting screws on hydraulic components, steering boxes and fuel injection pumps. For those applications, high-strength screw connections with reusable bolts and sealing against leakage are essential. We provide the solution that fulfils those high requirements: the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut. It prevents any unwanted leaking of gaseous or liquid media. The SEAL LOCK® ring integrated on the nut helps to achieve reliable sealing inside the thread without the use of additional elements. It is reliable in two ways because it seals under the head and inside the thread. Not to mention the easy installation. The following figures show conventional solutions on the one hand and the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut on the other hand.
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