产品描述 : High-strength connection and maximum sealing Can you imagine high-quality products without screw connections? Modern technology cannot do without them as detachable joints. In the industrial sector, fluid technology, pneumatics and sealing technology are among the fields of application. In those sectors, often additional functions such as sealing, insulation or reuse of bolts are required – only to mention a few. One classic example are adjusting screws on hydraulic components, steering boxes and fuel injection pumps. For those applications, high-strength screw connections with reusable bolts and sealing against leakage are essential. We provide the solution that fulfils those high requirements: the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut. It prevents any unwanted leaking of gaseous or liquid media. The SEAL LOCK® ring integrated on the nut helps to achieve reliable sealing inside the thread without the use of additional elements. It is reliable in two ways because it seals under the head and inside the thread. Not to mention the easy installation. The following figures show conventional solutions on the one hand and the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut on the other hand.
产品描述 : 起重吊環均可360°全周旋轉,且具有90°支點繞軸旋轉功能。 功能: 1.解決設備、模具之側向吊裝,可供模具、機器、廠內吊裝使用 2.高側向承載力,避免傳統馬達吊環因側向應力而彎曲、折斷螺栓 3.本體可完全360度旋轉,90度翻轉 特色: 1.產品擁有國際專利結構及國際認證,出貨附測試證書,品質有保證 2.合金鋼製造,具高側向荷重(M8※0.3t_M48※20t) 3.本體可完全360度旋轉配合使用方向
产品描述 : PJ-30MT是標準系列複合型系統,擁有水箱設計,模組化的PCB面板操作,有效提供機器異常訊息通知。適用於固定流量壓力的工具機,如車床,銑床等。該系統整合了無數忠實客戶的美好建議,以及PolarJet多年在廣大客戶群中獲得的經驗,開發了適合大多產業別的高壓切削冷卻系統,讓客戶在使用高壓系統時更加的人性化,安裝簡易,操控性方便,並且更容易維護。
产品描述 : 斯弗克双螺旋碟簧是專門製造高速主軸彈簧、高溫彈簧、特殊彈簧。 它降低了高速振動問題,提升品質與壽命。
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