主な製品 : Microsoft Azure cloud solutions and maintenance management services.
CHT Security
主な製品 : OT Cybersecurity Evaluation, OT SOC Monitoring Service, IEC 62443 Consultant Service, Cybersecurity Professional Services, Network & Endpoint Security
CIMer Tech
主な製品 : PDM.PLM.API Customized / UOF Office - BPM.ISO.EIP / VirtualES encryption system Project Management 、Multi-CAD Integration、Part Management Part BOM / EC BOM Automotion、 Workflow Management、 Design Graphic Management Multi-CAD Integration、 Web Management Windows/Android/IOS Web Automotion、Note Management 、Message Rules
主な製品 : KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, including Carbon Analysis & Management System (CAMS), Business Performance Service (BPS), Smart Manufacturing, Digital Trasformation, and etc. If you are interested in meeting the team, please fill in appointment form at https://forms.office.com/e/THEmwEYKS3
Letsmedia (EZB2B.com)
主な製品 : Publication of Taiwan Mold & Molding Products, Taiwan Machine Tools Directory, Taiwan Vehicle & Parts Directory. Design and Production of Company Catalogues / Brochures, Posters, and Websites,SEO
Machinery Today / PTC Source / IAC Net
主な製品 : IENet Media Taiwan is a trade journal covering the whole range of machinery both in Paper-based and Web-Based formats in Taiwan. The PTC NET are Including Fluid Power, Transmission & Control lines, The other one Machinery Today are including various kinds of machinery, such as Plastic, Food, Packing, Textile Mechanical, etc. ……
主な製品 : height safety, lifting, load control and safety management
主な製品 : GTMC is a consulting company focusing on brand strategy, marketing, and digital transformation. Since the establishment in 2013, we have gathered more than a hundred professionals across fields and have assisted more than 30 diversified industries, drawn up more than 10,000 business partners. We are proud and will keep growing with our business partners!
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