Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Form 3L為 Formlabs 推出的大型光固化3D列印機,是一款成型空間達擁有達33.5*20*30cm的桌面級3D列印機,讓您的想像力不受限!採用最新專利研發的低應力光固化成型技術(LFS),擁有彈性樹脂槽與封閉式光學模組(LPU)等,大幅增加了機器的可靠與穩定性,精確度、平滑度及透度都大大增加,讓您的大物件也擁有精緻細節!搭配Form Wash L自動清洗機與Form Cure L溫控光固機,以磁力迴旋可一次清洗一個Form 3L平台或是兩個Form 3平台,並使用兩個500W加熱器與大功率紫外線燈全方位高度強化,發揮材料最佳性能! Form 3L特色包含 1. 33.5*20*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 大型物件也有大大的細緻度 3. 彈性成型槽印大型實心物件也不怕 4. 專利LFS技術配合光學模組使透度平滑度大幅提升 5. 雙卡匣智能給料,安心列印不中斷 6. 高達20多種樹脂滿足外觀、功能驗證需求 7. 輕觸支撐材,好拆不麻煩 8. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
Product Description : LU系列五軸的新境界,無論是技術精度,高效率或是現代化的控制技術,LU系列皆完美具備,並兼具最佳的性價比
Product Description : DB-19300
Product Description : 1.A circular tube modifies an interior angle and an external angle at one time with fastness and precision. 2. It's simple and fast to switch the knife because of easy to buy the insert disc in the market. 3. Two-stage of feeding knife, and the idle stroke is smooth. It's available for adjusting the operation stroke according to the cutting volume. 4. There are automatic and manual functions, which are convenient for adjusting the machine. 5. Special automatic positioning device, which can automatically position, feed and chamfer, and fine-tune the length tolerance. 6. Oil mist cooling and lubricating system promotes insert life, and no chips will stay. 7. There is a pause switch at the final point so as to assure the flat plane and the accurate right angle of the work piece. 8. The axle head with phosphor & copper bushing can prolong the life. 9. It can be option the lifting rack to use with this machine.
Product Description : The casting body with high rigid structure and industrial aesthetics adopts angular shape, and the three-color corporate identity of red, black, and white. The side door is used to observe the workpiece processing and calibrate the workpiece. The handle of the operation box is conveniently designed for front and rear and 180° rotation. Table size: 850 x 500 mm Pallet changing time: 11 ~ 13 sec Table positioning accuracy: 0.01 mm
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 建立於 Fuse 1 成功的基礎下,formlabs 推出進階款選擇性雷射燒結(Selective Laser Sintering, SLS)3D列印機 Fuse 1+30W 及粉末回收系統 Fuse Sift。提升2倍的列印速度,在3倍的雷射功率下,實現真正快速的企業內部生產!使用尼龍粉末燒結技術,搭載高轉換效率的「掺鐿光纖雷射」與專利研發技術「表面盔甲技術」(Surface Armor),讓用戶獲得更穩定的列印品質與更堅固的物件表面。 Formlabs一直以來對於人體健康與環境保護都十分重視,Fuse 1在運轉時,通過國家室內空氣品質標準,其中包含甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、及PM10…等揮發性有機物測試,列印中不會產生有害氣體,另外也配有完善的粉末回收系統Fuse Sift。除了能將舊粉末過濾後重複使用,還可自動化混合新舊粉、自行選擇刷新比例,減去繁雜的手動混合程序,不僅環保不浪費,更能以最低耗損帶來最高產值。 【Fuse 1+30W 六大特色】 1. 16.5*16.5*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 掺鐿光纖雷射穩定的光束品質 3. 專利Surface Armor技術物件更堅固 4. 粉末回收率高、擁有自動粉末混合系統 5. 兼具高韌性、耐高溫、耐衝擊的多元性能列印材料 6. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
Giant Red-Wood Int’l & Co. Ltd
Product Description : RW-600A Hydraulic Riveting Machine (Mitsubishi 10” HMI) (Without Feeding System) -Safety Device to protect finger get injured -Proportional Value Control System -Double-Pumps hydraulic Designed -Auto-Riveted Counting to avoid missing riveted -Mitsubishi 10” HMI -Control System: Mitsubishi PLC -Pressure Range:2-53KN(6T) -Horsepower:3HP -C type throat depth:450mm -C types throat height:400mm -Power Voltage:220V Three-Phase *Mitsubishi 10” HMI can ensure the pressure during the operation. It also can auto-check for faulty. *Suitable Rivet:Nut up to M10, Bolt up to M8, FH Screw up to M6 (Carbon Steel) * Proportional Value Control System: Specific Pressure adjust bottom designed, can adjust correctly pressure within 10 second, precision within+/-1%. *Positive Stop System: Designed for soft working pieces to ensure the flat surface. Thickness accuracy up to +/-0.05mm *OMRON 5” HMI can ensure the pressure during the operation. It also can auto-check faulty. *Suitable Rivet:Nut up to M10, Bolt up to M8, FH Screw up to M6( Carbon Steel) *Pressure control easy to operate: Specific Pressure adjust bottom designed, can adjust correctly pressure within 10 second, precision within+/-1%. *Positive Stop System: Designed for soft working pieces to ensure the flat surface. Thickness accuracy up to +/-0.05mm
Product Description :
Product Description : 1. 門寬2.1米以下,底座採用雙線軌設計;門寬2.3米以上底座採用三線軌設計,並具有硬軌之高剛性結構,Z軸行程可達850mm。<br /> <br /> 2. 三軸均配備大型滾柱式線性導軌;剛性與速度兼顧。<br /> <br /> 3. Y軸採用階梯式導軌設計,上軌與下軌段差225mm的特殊設計,使主軸頭不易前傾,同時分擔了部份Y軸失利於立柱的推力,使主軸頭在重切削負荷時,非常穩定;並以垂直方式偏置排列,確保最佳結構剛性。<br /> <br /> 4. 主軸以直結式傳動,減少軸不對心引起的振動,提高切削性能與精度。<br /> <br /> 5. 最佳主軸頭中心對稱式設計,減少熱變位影響,確保主軸精度。<br /> <br /> 6. 利用有限元素分析(FEA)先進實務觀念,設計出最佳化底座立柱及橫樑等主要結構剛性。<br /> <br /> 7. 三軸使用高精度並施以預壓及預拉之滾珠導螺桿;X軸採中空設計並通過冷卻油,且螺桿兩端之稱軸承外環,有空氣冷卻之特殊設計,減少熱變形,確保最佳之定位精度。<br /> <br /> 8. Z軸油壓平衡配重;在Z軸上使用兩支油壓缸抵消主軸頭重量,確保加工時的穩定性。<br />
Product Description : HIWIN Articulated Robot is the most widely used robot in automation with high accuracy, high flexibility with multi degrees of freedom and wide working range which can be used in pick and place, stacking, high precision assembly or complex machining. They are suitable for automated production to replace manual repetitive tasks, like pick and place, stacking, de-burring, grinding and assembly. The key components are developed and manufactured by HIWIN, which reduces costs and provides high value and solutions strengthening the competitiveness on the global market for our customers.
Product Description : CNC SURFACE GRINDER MODEL: PFG-X36
Product Description : 1. CEN03 type is without timer (also could be controlled by Programmable Logic Controller) and has to work with volume distributors. With CAB or CBB type volume distributor, oil will feed during operation time. With CDB or T type volume distributor, oil will feed during interval time. 2. The discharge volume is fixed. The lubrication points of volume distributor supply a fixed flow of oil. 3. It has a spark-eliminator inside to prevent the sparks producing when the electric current is running. The spark-eliminator can avoid PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) being interfered. 4. CEN03 type has a pressure switch device and been set up as 8kg/cm2, which assures the oil volume of lubrication point and check if the piping works normally. The standard specification is NC (Normal Close) contact, which means if the pressure is abnormal, it will have signal. NO (Normal Open) contact is available on request. 5. It has a float switch that can detect the oil volume. When oil is lower than the minimum level, the float switch will automatically send a continuous signal. 6. It has a pressure gauge where an operator can check the pressure easily. 7. Do not press the force feed-oil (F button) more than three minutes in order to avoid overloading. When the temperature reaches 100℃, the sensor will be on to stop the motor continuing running about 5 minutes. 8. It can be used for the machines requiring strictly rationing oil flow. It is usually used for such as processing machines or projecting machines.
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