Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : 專業B2B網站設計,致力於為您打造獨一無二的企業形象。我們精通最新的設計趨勢與技術,提供創新、直覺且具有優化效能的網站解決方案。無論您是中小型企業或大型企業,我們都能提供個性化的設計和完美的用戶體驗,幫助您在網絡世界中脫穎而出。請讓我們協助您共同實現您的業務目標。
Product Description : 透過物聯網串聯工廠內獨立機台,將設備數據數位化,以電子看板、Line或網站方式實現可視化和透明化,進一步預測趨勢並主動控制,實現高效管理。 瞭解更多:
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Apollo HRM, a one-stop solution for personnel and administrative tasks such as attendance tracking, scheduling, approval workflows, payroll, insurance adjustments, and tax reporting. It improves efficiency by an average of 80-90%, simultaneously reducing management costs, allowing businesses to focus on building and sustaining talent. Key Features: Scale Flexibility: Whether a startup with three employees or a multinational corporation with tens of thousands, Apollo can flexibly meet the needs of businesses of any size. Real-time Legal Compliance Updates: The system is instantly updated according to changes in labor laws, ensuring that HR operations are legal and compliant, saving businesses from potential fines. Top-notch Cybersecurity: With ISO 27001 certification, IMPERVA WAF cloud firewall, TDE transparent data encryption, DR backups and disaster recovery across four locations, and regular third-party penetration testing, Apollo ensures the utmost security of corporate data.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : 多國語言四海矯龍CEO智慧行動商務系統(含外勤及主管) 1. 是可以善用手機聲音速記變成文字寫入CRM。用嘴巴說話可寫工作計畫。寫工作計畫及工作報告。寫出即時通溝通內容。 2. 外勤搜尋客戶的時候,連結雲端ERP客戶主檔位址用Google或百度地圖導航拜訪客戶及直接撥客戶主檔電話聯繫他到訪時間。 3 .外勤顧問到派工單指示地奌打卡簽到拍場景。會把當地経度緯度上傳雲端ERP_CRM 精確掌握外勤行動地址及回報工作內容。 4. 外勤行動在外可用手機查庫存,幫客戶下單當場請客戶確認。 5. 主管行動在外也可簽核估價單、銷貨訂單、請購單、採購單、請假單、會計傳票。出貨單,進貨單。 6. 主管隨時看各部門差勤到工人數,沒計畫做事之呆人、懶人、忙人, 7 .主管隨時看財務調度。工廠生產機台異常燈號警告。
Product Description : A professional video not only aims to bring a visual impact, but also can shape the audience's image for the company and the product, thereby generating more benefits. GTMC has always introduced the most advanced shooting equipment and with the most professional and dedicated service team to assist Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of multimedia videos. From planning, copywriting and scripting, executive production, photography, lighting, post-production editing, 3D animation design to 2D special effects design, etc., we have recruited various professionals across fields to assist companies for different video shooting needs and styles. Creating the most insightful company image video and product introduction video combining with GTMC online marketing experiences carries out the most efficient promotions for customers. The use of 4K high-quality video recording system combined with 3D computer animation can clearly and completely present the most complete information of companies, products, and services, crossing the distances and limitations of time and space, allowing global buyers to immerse themselves and deepen their impressions.
Product Description : Designing Is to Deliver A Better Life Experience Experience design is a coherent journey of using, from exploration and research, innovative concepts to design implementation, the whole process should be taken seriously. In order to achieve this kind of experience design, GTMC has established a UX design team with talents including user research, information architecture, interactive designers, visual designers, web designers, and front-end engineers. The team is diverse, full of enthusiasm, and also paranoid about design.
Product Description : CE EN ISO 20345: 2022 S7S SR FO HRO CNS 20345: 2015 S3 SRC HRO WR Metal Free Safety Toe∣Height 19cm∣Weight(EUR41)580g|Shoe size 36-48 1.Meets WR waterproof standard 2.Made of durable and tear-resistant ultra-fiber PU synthetic leather 3.StitchDown technique ensures that the outsole never comes off 4.GRP (glass fiber-reinforced plastic)Toe cap which is 50% lighter and can pass through metal detection gates 5.ExpLayer Anti-penetration is 55% lighter than metal, tough yet flexible 6.Foam material shock-absorbing and antibacterial insole provides good support for long standing
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體 協會的創立, 乃希望藉助這個平台 讓雷射業界, 上中下廠商有更多曝光的機會 並藉由協會規劃年度中不同的各項活動參與 讓彼此間有更多的合作機會促成。 常態性的年度活動有:新春團拜、北中南區域聯誼、會員大會、工廠參觀、弱勢關懷....等等 非常態性的有: 人才培訓、產業升級分享研討會..等等 協會主辦鈑金.雷射展.....等等
Product Description : Cloud Computing Mobile App The popularization of smartphones, tablets, and 4G networks have changed the modern marketing models; to help customers take the lead in grasping market opportunities, we combine cloud computing services and tailor-made mobile native apps for iOS/Android to help companies to create all-round competition advantages, looking forward to establishing a long-term partnership with customers for win-win and common prosperity. Enterprise Self-Platform Plan the backend management system for customers according to their needs, and assist customers in solving the pain points in the operation process and content management, such as membership management, production line management, machine registration, web content management, App content management, etc., in an all-in-one integrated backend management system, looking forward to providing customers with the best information integration platform. Cloud Computing Hosting Service GTMC cooperates with leading cloud computing brands: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Alibaba Cloud and Chunghwa Telecom IDC. We have cloud computing services and the latest technology to provide customers with the best solutions. Exhibition Service Assist the organizer to manage manufacturer and visitor information, provide visitors to accurately find exhibitors and products, increase the popularities of exhibits online with the most intuitive search method and use the APP functions for visitor registrations, event calendar and booth map to help for the exhibition hosting. 3D Display Solution Integrate 3D technology on the company marketing website and present perfect product design drawings through excellent 3D designers to help customers understand the products. In addition, it supports real-time change of product appearance according to selection requirements, completes quotations and sets product specifications, and assists to increase product sales and accelerate production.
Product Description : AMA Helicopter HVLS Fans adopts the HVLS operation mode with latest PMSM motor which generate tons of air for the big space but with very few energy . Equipped with the patented one-piece aluminum alloy chassis, it is very light weight in the industry. Free maintenance, silent, waterproof and with LED light, AMA Helicopter HVLS Fan is the best cooling solution for big spaces.
CloudRiches Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Product Description : Azure OpenAI Service 為安全且完全受控之企業級生成式AI服務,可透過 REST API 及SDK整合相關Microsoft和 Azure 相關應用程式及服務,幫助企業輕鬆串接其內部知識庫及系統,並可根據不同產業需求微調。 安全性方面,Microsoft承諾不會使用企業的資料進行訓練、改進任何模型,且在對話過程中採用符合 FIPS 140-2 標準的 256 位 AES 進行加、解密,可有效防止機敏資訊遭竊取或竄改。 雲馥數位提供基於Azure OpenAI Service的一站式解決方案,並從用戶介面開發與應用設計(UI Application)、提示設計(Prompt Design)、API整合直至數據管理、具備多種行業應用場景,讓客戶快速地實現商業想法,並拓展新的市場機會。 雲馥數位長期深耕AI人工智慧技術研究與發展,在Data & AI的專業及成就,更於2022年及2023年連續兩年獲得台灣微軟年度最佳Data & AI合作夥伴獎。
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