Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : 1. Lightweight design can reduce the spindle for vertical lath. 2. Built-in check valve and stroke control brackets. 3. Developed for rear locking installation. 4. Can be installed with air function.
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : formlabs 熱銷光固化機種 Form 3+/3B+ 搭載專利研發「低應力光固化成型技術(LFS)」,其特色包含彈性樹脂槽與封閉式光學模組(LPU)等,雷射光可垂直照射到物件,大幅增加機器的可靠與穩定性,可印出高精確度、平滑度及透度更佳的高品質物件,桌面級的機種,也能達到工業級的效果。 搭配上為 Form 3+/3B+ 量身打造的後處理設備-自動清洗機 Form Wash 及恆溫光固機 Form Cure,提供完整、快速的 3D 列印製造流程。 Form 3+ 六大特色包括: 1. 前所未有的表面精細度 2. 極平滑的物件表面與透度 3. 彈性樹脂槽使成功率大增 4. 遠端列印超easy 5. 無與倫比的30多種多元樹脂材料 6. 輕觸支撐材帶來最佳效率
Product Description :
Product Description : *High supporting force CSP-P/ CSP-K increases the holding force between the piston rod and the inner jacket to arise the higher supporting force. *Coolant cleaning measures In order to prevent the malfunction from the intrusion of high-pressure coolant and the cutting dust entering the internal structure, air can be cleaned at the breathing port when replacing the workpiece. Air cleaning requires a dedicated air circuit. (recommended cleaning pressure is 0.3 - 0.5MPa). *Universal piping base CSP-P/ CSP-K piping base is interchangeable, which can be installed with other low-pressure cylinders in the same specifications.
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Product Features:Different from the previous positioning of the box jaws by the positioning key, this product will positioning parts into the product, can be locked with the screw lock or unlock, can avoid the traditional positioning the possibility of flying out in the rotation and the advantage of easy assembly.
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 【A Series:】 1. The jaw can be individually operated, and irregularly shaped workpieces can be clamped. 2. Install side strips and chips cover sealed base jaw to prevent chips and coolant ingress. 【D Series:】 1. Install side strips and chips cover sealed base jaw to prevent chips and coolant ingress. 2. Adapter Plates can be selected. 3. The base jaw is lower than the body surface and can be used for multipurpose. 4. Alternative spindle adaptors: ASA or DIN adaptors can be supplied as requested.
Cheng Yi Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Description : ●Concentricity accuracy can be within 3μ
Inngrit Co., Ltd.
Product Description : • 特殊專利具有吹氣清潔/氣流迴路,可提高操作效率,進而提高生產力和安全性。 • 實現驚人的<0.005 mm重複精度 • 夾持力為2,000KG(油壓)和1,000KG(氣壓) • 上浮功能,取放方便,維護方便 • 英貴爾原點定位系統配合機械手臂和控制系統,可利用自動夾取、吹氣、檢知功能,透過程式控制實現快速、準確的工件夾緊和取放,實現自動化智慧生產
Product Description : The jaw t-nuts (T08) are suitable for Kitagawa B-208 Chucks. The jaw t-nuts connect with a power chuck and soft jaws.
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
Product Description : Fuse Blast 是一種易於使用的全自動清潔和拋光解決方案,適用於 SLS 3D 列印零件的後處理流程,有助於更快速更輕鬆地製造專業的、一致的高潔淨度零件。Fuse Blast 可無縫整合到 Fuse 系列生態圈中,協助簡化後處理工作流程,讓您能夠在 30 分鐘內徹底清潔整個成型室內的全部列印零件,並大幅減少人工操作時間和成本。 透過選購的拋光系統,Fuse Blast 可將零件拋光至光滑、半亮面和可染色的三種不同的表面光潔度,始終如一地提供專業級效果,從而進一步提高零件外觀品質。
Product Description : [AR-800 旗艦多功能型] Multi-function Flagship Type *With the most advanced design that provides the multi-function of Ultrasonic, Brush DC (direct-current) and Brushless DC output. *All new design with high-efficiency microprocessor that give the machine with perfect performance. *The brushless DC with max. 250 watts and brush DC with max. 150 watts output power that gives your handpiece with high torque and high speed running. *The LED speed display shows you the running speed of brushless hanpiece. You can select the best and safe speed according to various tools and diameter. *Once turn on the machine, the system will automatically adjust the speed to “Zero”, that keep you away from the damage caused by high speed running of handpiece. [AR-108 單功能型] Single Function Practical Type *Ultrasonic lapping function only. *The machine provides reliable quality and good performance. *Max.40 watts output that satisfy difference of polishing works. *It is not only effective for lapping task, but also good for correction of PCB patterns.
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