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A Being Kou Tools Co., Ltd.
Product Description : MicroCentric was founded in 1969. 50 years of advancing engineering and high-quality manufacturing has earned MicroCentric the reputation as the global leader in precision workholding technology. Each MicroCentric product is backed by superior design, the highest quality materials and precision workmanship for reliable, long term performance and unmatched accuracy. MicroCentric is renowned for building workholding products of unmatched precision and accuracy. Most MicroCentric’s precision chucks have a standard repeating accuracy of .0001″ (0.002mm), and many models are accurate to within .00005″ (0.001mm).
Product Description : The aluminum round jaws(FW-A10050) are suitable for extra bigger outer dia. (thin pipe.). This type of round jaws can cover the outer dia. of work piece enable to decrease deformation and increase the accuracy. For example: Type of FW08 can hold parts with outer dia. of 200mm.
Product Description : 精密鑽夾具適用於鑽床、銑床加工機、切削工具機、加工放電機、攻牙機、CNC車床、工具機等配件、主軸配件(四瓣爪、噴水頭)
Product Description : Ideal for today's high paced manufacturing environment! Convenient, that the HAINBUCH quick change-over systems fit on all your machines. Even better, that you can change your clamping devices in a matter of minutes, thus earning money quicker and allowing you to manufacture job-oriented. And, thanks to our unique technology, you will achieve a repeatability of ≤ 0.003 mm on the interface. However, our high-speed solutions have even more to offer: As you will experience shorter machine downtimes along with reduced processing and throughput times, your quick change-over systems will pay off in no time. Better yet, you will not have to compromise on quality, rigidity or precision. Select the spindle connection and the clamping device that is right for you from our extensive assortment. We can even accommodate you if you are already using clamping devices made by other manufacturers. We will simply adapt them to our interface.
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